Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb -s] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
2 In the last two stanzas , Blake is explaining the marks of woe that he sees in the first stanza — but what extraordinary connections to make !
3 And it comes to the first of August , and Graham gets his car , his new X J S , and I get my new Lada , and we 've been out at midnight doing all this , but we come to the branch in the morning , and he parks his X J S there , and I park my Lada next to it .
4 Your pulse rate will continue to decrease until it reverts to the first reading .
5 In Scotland and Wales there is the same pressure for equal treatment but it comes in the first instance from MPs who will pounce on any discrepancies and ask why England ( or Scotland and Wales ) is receiving special treatment .
6 The young woman feels curiously as though she is only playing at house once more when she goes into the first flat or home that she can truly call her own .
7 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
8 When he comes to the first dramatic event he appears to be reaching towards a dramatic present here comes but is constrained by the prevailing past tense of the narration .
9 And when he gets it on , the , the C and D truck it sets off , what happens when he stops at the first set of traffic lights ? or turns out ?
10 At the beginning Dickens piles up adjectives in order to set the scene and build atmosphere as is shown when he writes in the first chapter
11 ‘ We 're gon na play some DEVIL SATAN WOCK AND WOLL MUSIC ! ! ! ’ announces Fabulous ' strangely Mr Bean-like guitarist to the severe bemusement of a hall full of Farm fans , as he launches into the first of two bloody many dismal three-chord punk thrashes , and on struts Simon Dudfield , oozing ugliness from every pore .
12 The Pitman yard , which has done so well in this race — one winner , a second and two thirds since 1983 — believe he will adapt to the unique Aintree fences , and as long as he copes with the first few , they feel he must go close .
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