Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll need plenty , this time of year , or I 'll stink out the hall .
2 We wonder whether this has anything to do with an ‘ upgradeable ’ machine DEC seems to be using where you could yank out the 80486 and substitute a P5 .
3 Here even window shopping is a pleasure if you ca n't afford to treat yourself , or you can hunt out a less extravagant purchase amongst the cities ' colourful markets and larger department stores .
4 Or you can scoop out the flesh of the potatoes and mix it with the sauce .
5 Or you can cut out a large square or arched opening instead of a conventional door , and if the wall is big enough , a couple of openings or ‘ windows ’ either side — again to give different perspectives to the room ahead .
6 Or you could try out the flight simulator techniques at ‘ Star Wars ’ where you feel as if you 're really taking part in a full scale intergalactic battle .
7 The Doctor followed the narrow road down through a small valley , before climbing back up towards a bare hilltop where he could make out a number of tiny wooden crosses , like a forest of lifeless bonsai trees .
8 Or he could rent out the property …
9 I thought that I would scratch out the pictures , but now that the woman has seen them they are not mine any more .
10 I never , on the other hand , determined that I would separate out a whole slot for a women 's magazine .
11 The fields shone a new green in the sun , and the air which for days had been hazy had been cleaned by the rain so that I could make out the shapes of sheep grazing near the old Coal Road above Cowgill as I walked down the lane .
12 They deliberately looked for inconsistencies where they basically knew I 'd told them but two aspects of the truth , in the hope that I 'd blurt out the real truth about something else in my fright and confusion .
13 Mala chose to go first , saying that she would check out the landing area for dangerous watchers and warn me if necessary when she sent the pod back up .
14 She set the candelabrum and the tray down on one of the tables , removing his greatcoat and placing it carefully over the back of a chair so that she might lay out a cloth and utensils .
15 This means that she can throw out the eggs of her nest mates , but they have little chance to throw out hers .
16 Her ears are so finely tuned to this that she can pick out a prospective mate 's voice from a cacophony of croaks .
17 We suggest that you might work out a daily rate for lighting , repairs , telephone and sundries ( on the basis of a 36 week year ) and then charge that .
18 What practical steps can you take to ensure that you can carry out the task you have undertaken with advantage to your parent and without damage to yourself ?
19 2 Record the details of the request and ask for further details about the proposed story so that you can dig out the most useful in-depth material .
20 If your camcorder has manual override of the exposure control , try the effect of this at various settings ( with the camcorder picture shown on a colour television ) so that you can work out the one which gives the best balance between the highlight and shadow areas .
21 Find what is WRONG in these examples then write them out correctly so that you can work out the answers .
22 Then she retreated in bleak anguish to her bedroom , and sat hunched in the window-seat , looking out over the soft rolling lawns and distant Cotswold hills , dimly aware that her single most painful desire was that her mother were still alive , so she could pour out the secret desolation to the one person who 'd have understood …
23 To get rid of it you usually need to remove the radiator ( see below ) so you can flush out the sludge .
24 Erm so get sort of practise reading it so you can cut out the irrelevant stuff .
25 on this side , erm , they have them so you can work out the reverse bearings , but it 's it 's better not to use those , just , stick with the out
26 and use that as a reference so you can work out the others from it instead of trying to remember the lot .
27 So the whole day is done by the time you get started , so you can close out the foreign and even the U S domestic edition , domestic news , before you
28 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
29 To estimate the MPC t α 1 , it might be thought that we could carry out the following regression : where is an error term , and treat the value obtained for as an estimate of the MPC t α : 1 .
30 But to suggest that we should toss out the Garden of Eden story because it is not necessarily literal historical fact would be a dangerous precedent .
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