Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
2 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
3 And I respond in the same way .
4 He and I live in the same street .
5 If I stay in the same place for too long I get stale . ’
6 And even if you remain in the same location , you could still feel unsettled .
7 If you stay in the same place then the whole process of sexual reproduction means that indeed there are uniform populations which are hybridizing with one another and then barriers to other hybridizing population , but not if you move about .
8 On the criteria we 've been talking about today , so find yourself a partner that you have n't worked with today somebody erm if you go in the same group that Kathy 's in because then if it comes up to four o'clock Kathy wants to go then you can be the other partner you 've got half an hour to put on one sheet of paper clearly and concisely what we 've done on communications .
9 Her opening words , which echo a pair of lines in Chaucer 's first fabliau in the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the Miller 's Tale ( I : 3768 – 9 ) , invite a dialogue charged with sexual connotations , not only in the obvious case of " " ryse " " , but also in the detectable reference to a conventional love-sickness : The monk 's answer immediately confirms the sexual topic of the dialogue , and dispenses with any euphemistic disguises : This rapid movement to a contextually surprising level of familiarity on the topic of sexual intimacy is paralleled in the French fabliau Auburee , where the old bawd , Auburee , in procuring a young wife for a besotted admirer , visits the wife and moves smartly into the bedroom , declaring : ( " I should certainly like to see your bed : then I should know for certain if you lie in the same splendour as the first wife did . " )
10 If you live in the same house as your landlord and your share living accommodation , ( e.g. kitchen or bathroom ) then once a Notice to Quit has been served upon you and has expired your landlord has the legal right to order you to leave your accommodation .
11 And we stay in the same place !
12 An example of this is the trigram model used in the TANGORA speech recogniser ( Jelinek , 1986 ) which assumed that histories are equivalent if they end in the same two words .
13 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Wind ows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
14 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Windows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
15 Rufus was one of those people who admire their own kind of looks better than any other sort and whose partners are chosen because they belong in the same type as themselves .
16 This time lag , however , dies not always occur , as I show in the same study , and we are not in a situation to make the kind of general assumption made by Morgan and Engels .
17 Some become associated in our minds when they recur in the same order .
18 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
19 In Lambert v. Lewis ( 1981 H.L. ) Lord Diplock said that the condition of fitness for purpose was a continuing obligation ‘ that the goods will continue to be fit for that purpose for a reasonable time after delivery , so long as they remain in the same apparent state and condition as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear . ’
20 But it will be hard to accept that these people are serious about democracy — or can do much more to further its cause — so long as they stay in the same party as democracy-haters .
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