Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [been] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not on a degree course but at the Cultural Centre for Foreigners where they 've been going since last September . ’
2 A GROUP of British students has recently returned from a trip to South America , where they have been researching into the flora and fauna of the Colombian Amazon basin .
3 Although I 've been writing about the latest machines this month , I shall be including the older models in later articles .
4 But yes , abroad lies our final year of partnership , although I 've been toying with the idea of alighting upon a play by Shakespeare hitherto unknown , unseen and unenacted . ’
5 No he said , I ca n't give it back to you , you 're the person that I 've been looking for all my life .
6 I 've had a great deal of fun reviewing Animation Works Interactive , so much so that I 've been staying in the office well past my normal time just to play with it .
7 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
8 Then I forget that I 've been joking with her then she tells me off so I do n't bother any more .
9 Now we know that Antarctic bottom water is formed here in the Webber Sea and the samples that I 've been talking about were taken here in the South Georgia basin , so we can see that it has taken seventeen years for the water to travel from here to here .
10 Erm the service continues next term with me starting and then Mike taking over half way through and what I 'll be doing is supplying the general two theoried two theoretic semantics that I 've been talking about erm two specific instructions in a natural language I can get what six
11 The point that I 've been making with the various percentages is that those negotiations will become unrealistic if on average , you 're talking about forty some percent of sites having to go for affordable housing on a negotiated basis .
12 She said : ‘ All that has held us together for years is that I 've been working for you .
13 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
14 The chairs were designed to complement the table and represent one set of variations on a chair design that I have been experimenting with for years .
15 I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time , that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges .
16 I keep rehearsing that low brace that I have been thinking about ever since we set a date for our attempt .
17 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
18 But at least Holroyd leaves me in no doubt that I have been reading about a great phenomenon .
19 As the hon. Gentleman introduced the subject of colour of dress , I can only say that I have been listening to him for almost 18 years and I wish that he would sometimes change the colour of his tie .
20 Well , I agreed not to speak more than half an hour , but I see that I have been speaking for a little longer than forty-five minutes .
21 And I 'd just like to take the opportunity to er emphasise the point that I have been making at this E I P that erm r regional migration from the West Yorkshire is reducing and we do n't want to create a magnet which reverses that trend .
22 That confirms the point that I have been making to the House for some time about the international slow-down and international difficulties .
23 Ian Luder , head of Arthur Andersen 's executive and personal taxation services group , says that ‘ the more that I have been working on employee schemes , the more convinced I am that there is an impact ’ .
24 In the three years or so that I have been working at Joan Allen Electronics I have become acutely aware of battery problems , in particular from the many cases where detectors have been sent back for repair needlessly .
25 As to the other case that I want to say a word about , I have to confess now to beating a drum that I have been beating with varying success for a number of years .
26 How can teachers be prepared to undertake the process of pragmatic mediation that I have been proposing in these chapters ?
27 It really should not strike you as odd that I have been enquiring into your affairs — if I may so phrase it .
28 So I 've been grieving for him . ’
29 The bird has become very unfit , and the damaged wing is shorter than the other , so I 've been working on moving it in the way the bird would move it in flight , to stretch it .
30 It looks as if we 'll be able to buy the Stiebel-Stein mail-order business , so I 've been working on ways to raise the money .
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