Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , if you look at Example 2 , you 'll see that I 've written out the same scale pattern in thirds .
2 I can not believe that I 've cut up the dress he used to love me to wear and all I get for thanks is cheek .
3 There was an abortive attempt at a ‘ Maureen Lipman says write to me about your washing problems ’ which made me squirm with embarrassment to the extent that I 've blocked out the name of the liquid detergent concerned .
4 He could take her away , I thought , he could just do that , he has such power to hurt me , this little furry creature who has n't even noticed that I 've given up the weed .
5 ‘ Just that I 've found out a bit more about our friend Martin 's business dealings , and , more importantly , who he 's dealing with .
6 So that 's why , you know , three different sorts of reminders that I 've put on the front of the calendar card .
7 The problem is that I want to start up a shareware library , but I have no idea of how to obtain the shareware titles .
8 That is , under no circumstances must I mention to anyone that I have turned down an invitation to return to Blighty .
9 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
10 I am writing to advise that I have taken over the role of Computer Liaison Officer for the Trading Standards Department .
11 Luckily this has n't hurt my fish , but the reason for the purchase in the first place is that I plan to set up a marine tank in the near future and I wanted to check my local tapwater .
12 The only wildlife problem has been created by the jackdaws trying to nest in the front-room chimney , so I have pushed up a chimney brush to discourage them .
13 I have to dress in my sweaty , dirty clothes and go back down to the kitchen , grumbling while she makes me a coffee , and I complain about my wet boots and she gives me a fresh pair of William 's socks to wear and I put them on and drink my coffee and whine about never being allowed to spend the night and tell her how just once I 'd like to wake up here in the morning , and have a nice , civilised breakfast with her , sitting on the sunny balcony outside the bedroom windows , but she makes me sit down while she laces my boots up , then takes my coffee cup off me and sends me out the back door and says I 've got two minutes before she arms the alarm and puts the infrared lights on stand-by so I have to go back the way I came , over the estate wall and through the wood and down into the stream where I get both feet wet and cold and I fall going up the bank and get all muddy and eventually drag myself up and through the hedge , scratching my cheek and tearing my polo-neck and then trudging across the field through heavy rain and more mud and finally getting to the car and panicking when I ca n't find the car keys before remembering I put them in the button-down back pocket of the jeans for safety instead of the side pocket like I usually do , and then having to put some dead branches under the front wheels because the fucking car 's stuck and finally getting away and home and even in the street light I can see what a mess of the pale upholstery my muddy clothes have made .
14 We do n't seem to have made much progress on this front so I have drawn up a set of forms myself , one for books , one for videos and one for software .
15 You must tell them that you want to pick up a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment .
16 Oh dear , the thing is , as , as far as I can remember I ca n't find it in any of the two books that I 've got out at the moment , it 's not under , but I vaguely remember that you have to dig down a certain .
17 Parents can have such an enormous effect on your lives together that you need to work out the boundaries right at the beginning .
18 You read in the papers all the time about girls being raped and murdered , and you do n't want it to happen to you , so you try to cut down the odds .
19 Erm so you need to build up a picture of what you 've got erm but there 's no real reason why we should n't be working on that now it seems to me .
20 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
21 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
22 It contains a lot of questionnaires for which there are no answers and with not much guidance on what to do with the answers once you have filled in the pages .
23 All this becomes obvious once you have set up the machine to knit lace .
24 Once you have worked out the phonemic system of the language , if you are using a card file , work systematically through it , changing all phonetic transcriptions into phonemic ones .
25 Once you have added up the figures in the budget planner , you will have to deduct income tax to arrive at the net spending amount available to you .
26 If the answer to this is " yes ' , you will be surprised how much better you will feel once you have carried out a clearing-up project .
27 Once you have carried out the instruction , your turn ends ( if you are sent back three spaces and land on another Point of Order , for example , do not pick another card ) .
28 Once you have sorted out the distractions like that , you can have some amazing fun re-planning your house .
29 Once you have picked up a signal you concentrate in that area until the signal is received at the greatest possible volume .
30 Only special notice from you to those involved that your agent 's authority has ended will prevent you being liable once you have held out an agent as having the right to legally commit you to certain agreements .
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