Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ Remember the peasant dance where they came out in the long , hooped skirts and you ca n't see their feet ?
2 All-night parties , Nina dancing in the nude , Modi stumbling into the sketching class very drunk , the weekly visits to the Gaieté Montparnasse , a small , bawdy music-hall where they sat up in the gallery , all paint a happy-go-lucky picture .
3 Lara had played just where he left off in the World Cup , where he was comfortably the leading West Indian run-scorer with 333 at 47 .
4 That I got up in the night and walked into an open press . ’
5 I 've already revealed that I started out in a donkey jacket , but I should add that it took me at least ten years to get a decent kit .
6 allow and they reckon that soft ones are better suited too sports because , because of the great action they 're harder to , to knock out , whereas soft ones er , have better other qualities , I 've got this little fucking book , book that I picked up in the Boots in Farnborough the other day yes , its quite interesting .
7 I did n't want to leave the Maxteds behind because they had started out as my passengers , so I went back in a few minutes later to see if they were ready to leave .
8 Once I dressed up in a big , black shag wig , really tacky .
9 When you were talking about your dredging earlier on , you used to take th the soil that you dredged up in the mud , in your dredger out t employ the hoppers out to sea .
10 There was no arguing with him , and it was very pleasant to have someone caring , so she sat back in the seat without further protest .
11 in the afternoon so we went out in the morning to an antique fair
12 Erm , and you know , let's face it , I did n't have to go through the circumstances that they went through in the war , and there therefore , who who am I to judge
13 They had both of them thought that the climate of Panama would be bad for the racquets , although it turned out in the end that he could perfectly well have taken them with him .
14 ‘ Look , Jamie , see this ! ’ she said , and she began to wind the wool so fast that it tangled up in a big knot and the ball bounced right out of her hand and rolled underneath Grandma 's chair .
15 There was a moment during the shooting of Midnight Cowboy when Dustin gave so much energy to the character 's cough that he fell down in the street vomiting .
16 More to him perhaps than the relief afforded by the crude sex was the fact that he woke up in the meagre home of a real working woman , warm like a picture by Chardin ; ‘ a wooden floor with a mat and a piece of old crimson carpet , an ordinary kitchen stove , a chest of drawers , a large simple bed . ’
17 He is indeed ‘ the most political of all our poets ’ and this is hardly surprising when we remember that he grew up in an age of Revolution .
18 He was a man of simple tastes who had a down-to-earth view of life that he passed on in an almost unconscious way with an innate goodness that is found among the local pillars of the community who never stray far from their birthplace .
19 His palms were sweating , his forehead was wet and itching , he felt shivery , his voice was shaky and his heart was beating fast ; they were cooking , him with the Microwave Gun , bathing him in its evil radiations , heating him up so that he broke out in a lathering sweat and looked like a nervous kid .
20 He left by the gatehouse , openly , and took the road along the Foregate , in case anyone happened to notice and check that he set off in the appropriate direction .
21 So he went out in a hurry .
22 This hangar was all closed up apart from one door , so he drove in in the semi-dark and reversed rapidly into what he thought was an empty corner without checking it first for parked vehicles .
23 And he was n't in today I mean came into work and I passed out in the . .
24 ‘ He and I grew up in the same town .
25 And I lay back in the cradling pouch-seat , enjoying the feeling of being safe and relaxed — and financially secure for a while , with that fee safely tucked away in my Fedbank account .
26 We went to Ireland for the summer and our visit there was great fun ; Brian and I drove about in a donkey-cart , fished for eels , and shot rabbits with a 410 .
27 We played late on the first day and I went round in the morning spotting the pin positions , trying to get a feel for the course so I could give the right information to Nick .
28 So and I went down in the pool this morning
29 Then one day I had to go to the Post Office for something — one of them forms I daresay — so I thought I better wrap up , I better take care , you 're very vulnerable after a long illness you know , and I put my old long mack on and one of the kids ' mack hats and Wellingtons and I went out in the rain , feeling , in a depressed sort of way , ‘ Well , if I get ill again , what can I do ?
30 Being already in the City I was n't far from the divisional H.Q. , and I went along in the hope of finding Redpath there .
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