Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cynthia stood up and walked across to the window , where she stared out across the busy London street .
2 Sliding her arm from beneath him , Beth got out of bed and , wrapping her robe about her shivering form , went first to the window , where she looked out at the moonlit night .
3 He said , ‘ Remember the peasant dance where they came out in the long , hooped skirts and you ca n't see their feet ?
4 The first tomatoes of the year , firm and cushiony , with tucks where they plumped out around the bottom of the stalk were quartered in their own juice on a dish with oregano and slender crescents of a veined purple onion , sliced with the first stone pressing of olive oil .
5 I tell the truth , honest I do ! " one was shouting , and it and a few others tugged at the lower edges of the few furs he still had on and pulling on his under-breeches where they appeared out of the top of his boots .
6 Practice Richard Ashworth and ors v Berkeley-Walbrook Ltd ; CA ( Russell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 27 Sept 1989 As a general rule , where a counterclaim could properly be relied on as a set-off and where it arose out of the same subject matter as the claim , the counterclaiming defendant ought not to be required to give security for costs of that counterclaim unless there were exceptional circumstances .
7 It was high-necked and had long tight sleeves and a straight line to the floor , where it flared out at the back into a huge swirling fishtail train .
8 The main points that I picked out from the game affecting the law changes are :
9 But I , I , I know that I missed out on the , the private education one because I should 've come back on that .
10 But I was anxious to see Mr Rochester , who had been away on business , so I ran out of the quiet house to meet him on the road .
11 It went on and on until I was nearly frantic , so I went out for the evening several times in one week to release the tension .
12 The eyes of the Modigliani seemed to glare at me severely , so I sneaked out under the colonnade , where a minute later Conchis joined me .
13 About eighty villagers followed me inside , and waited expectantly … so I struck out for the hinterlands .
14 But once I got out of the splitting shop out into the dry , handling leather rather than skins , er it were terrific , absolutely terrific .
15 Since that day I have never spent much time at the green table and , once I got out into the world of journalism , worked hard at it .
16 Wendy was so furious at the demand by the bank , whose motto is ‘ We are here to make life easier ’ , that she stormed out of the branch in Eastwood , Notts .
17 The discreet feelers that she put out during the drive back to Anduze met with monosyllabic replies that indicated , firmly but politely , that the matter was no concern of hers .
18 This means that she jumped out of the aircraft by herself and her parachute opened automatically seconds later .
19 The objectives give us a way of er measuring at the end of the course whether the course has achieved for you what you wanted from we 'll come back as I said to those this afternoon and and just review them to see that you got out of the course what you .
20 All the same , she badly needed some air and solitude , so she stepped out to the veranda , closed the door silently behind her , slipped off her high heels and held them in one hand , then padded on silent stockinged feet down the back stairs and into the garden .
21 His deep , even breathing told her he had fallen asleep again , so she slipped out of the room and left him to it .
22 So you walked out to the shoal and — ? ’
23 Naturally , amongst other things that we took out into the desert with us was the long-established tea swindle , which we all subscribed to , It was considered a most heinous offence if pupil or anyone else taxied within the proximity of the tea swindle and the great volume of sand engulfed those who were engaged in making the tea — indeed , getting any sand anywhere near the brew as it was being prepared was considered a serious offence .
24 which was that four point one was n't included in the papers that went to staff consultative , which was the general list of things that we pulled out from the brainstorm last time .
25 The numbers of key words that we picked out from the five authors were 7,17,7 , 16 and 12 .
26 in the afternoon so we went out in the morning to an antique fair
27 It was then that they scooped out for the storage of goods the extensive vaults and cellaring that still run beneath the old town today .
28 and er , it was er , the others were by having the lads and getting the trees down , er the extra wood that they got out of the er , out of the tree
29 He thought , privately , that they might be very glad of the horses , because they might find that they came out of the Workshops much faster than they went in , but he did not say this .
30 It was not till 9.45 that they came out of the dining room after a breakfast of yoghurt , fried eggs , maize rolls and ersatz coffee .
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