Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] they for [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a single woman living with her uncle , the negligent landlord Mr Brooke , Dorothea has good reason to concern herself with cottages , although she intends them for the estate of the obliging Sir James , having presumably abandoned her uncle as a hopeless case .
2 Again , like Microsoft , WordPerfect UK would rather that you contacted them for an upgrade .
3 Well , the you 've heard , I 've heard some people being nasty and , and they did n't say no , but it was always , not always it was occasionally done grudgingly , and , and erm in many cases of course it was done willingly , you know come in yes please do , and , and they did n't even want the penny that , that you offered them for the telephone call .
4 My recommendation is that we scrap them for the ten year decade of evangelism as a trial period and then think again in AD 2000 !
5 Henri and I sheltered them for a while , but of course it was very risky with the Germans billeted everywhere except the smallest cottages .
6 All the perennials are bought in containers and I grow them for a year in their pots to see how they cope with the conditions , then I plant them out in the garden . "
7 There 's a man and a woman sitting at a table by the window , and I watch them for a bit .
8 But if we keep them for the next ten years they 're a a real bargain , if , if , if
9 Woolworth chief Geoff Mulcahy 's shares cost £374,000 — and he sold them for a £1,037,000 profit .
10 Unfortunately , for example , he believed certain things which were wrong ( such as the tenets of Unitarianism ) , and he believed them for the wrong reasons ( such as the theistic proofs ) .
11 He must have felt it and he must have suffered afterwards from it I would imagine , but he had , he had those qualifications , he had those abilities and he used them for a .
12 ‘ I have a full staff here but I released them for the fiesta in Palma .
13 He lived down Gypsy Lane with his two sisters , he was a single man you see and my father and mother lived here and my , they not only mended shoes but they made them and er course naturally , you know , well of course Needham was n't as big as it is now but they made them for the best people , if that , if that 's the right , not the right expression say , but er but you know what I mean er and er and he , you know , all his life you see he did that and then one day he had a shock because his er , what would you call him colleague , he , he died suddenly in the night .
14 But he dismissed them for the time being , having more important matters to be dealt with .
15 Oh yes , but he wants them for the whole of the year you see , which is impossible .
16 Our canvas stretcher-beds were quickly drenched with blood , because we used them for the worst wounded — the others had to be laid on the tiled floor .
17 Well , I 'm basically interested in the way in which education , or formal schooling , has attempted to prepare girls for their lives in the future , whether it prepares them for a life of , say , motherhood and working in the family , or whether it 's encouraging them to do work outside the home and try and achieve in the areas that men traditionally achieve .
18 but when I asked them for a crayon ,
19 She does n't have a job , of course , so she does n't understand that things are different when you do them for a living .
20 It is the kind of rapid , critical examination to which we expose another person when we encounter them for the first time .
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