Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eating and drinking is particularly good value — you can get a 6 course ‘ Mezes ’ meal , where you get lots of small dishes of Turkish delicacies for about £3 although a good bottle of wine may set you back 70p !
2 If you have n't received a questionnaire , or you know somebody in that category , please would you contact Kate Purcell or Jarlath Quinn at the School of Hotel and Catering Management , Oxford Brookes University , , .
3 Oh we 've done two or three , we usually do one Well er I would n't regularly but probably one every year or you ken something like that .
4 Eighteen forty six , eighteen forty eight , or eighteen fifty take a guess ca n't you or you have one in three chances this is one I did n't know , who were the Magi ?
5 Looking back on the elements I have enumerated — of change , internationalism and achievement — I do not find it so surprising that I chose an industrial career , although I knew nothing of all this when I joined ICI .
6 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
7 ‘ I can assure you that I have none of those — er-appendages . ’
8 ‘ I keep imagining this morning that I have — please believe me , Milena , because when we 're married you will have to put up with a lot of this , but I keep imagining that I have lots of little crisp sepia legs . ’
9 how d you know yeah , you 're telling me now that I missed something in eighty seven .
10 The males started fighting , so I moved one to another tank , leaving two females with one male .
11 Tallis was idly aware that she had none of these organs left .
12 In this sense , the definition of standards and routines can be seen as a defensive process : the housewife is defending herself against the allegation that she does nothing at all .
13 He confirmed that you knew nothing about any of it .
14 It 's just that you wrote one to another girl .
15 The realistic Dods admitted afterwards : ‘ While it was a relief to get back scoring again , the fact remains that with other threatened clubs earning points elsewhere in the country , it was just as well that we took something from this one . ’
16 She went on without prompting : ‘ Although he was a painter he was a very literary man so we had plenty in common .
17 All this was done by the morning of the I twelfth day ; and all that day the people of the Cid were busied in making ready their arms , and in loading beasts with all that they had , so that they left nothing of any price in the whole city of Valencia , save only the empty houses .
18 So terrified of doing the wrong thing that they do nothing at all — except bleat like sheep about their petty rules and regulations and their morality .
19 Slightly larger objects , however different and unrelated , should be grouped so that they have something in common like colour or national origin .
20 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
21 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
22 The terms of this argument repeat exactly those of the critical debate about univocal meaning , according to which the only alternative to the idea that history has a single meaning must be that it has none at all .
23 We were playing with so much arrogance that it needed something like that to make us play .
24 A quick glance at him showed her that he thought nothing at all of a drive like this , clinging to the mountainside and driving much too fast .
25 He asked about several crimes of violence that had happened in south-east Antrim and Beattie told him that he knew nothing about any of them .
26 Not that he 'd anything against that .
27 Her memoirs formed the inspiration for the film ‘ The King and I ’ , although Thomson 's portraits of the King show that he looked nothing at all like Yul Brynner .
28 ‘ Well — just for a little while , then , ’ he said , relenting — and perhaps enjoying the fact that he had something to relent about , was in command of the situation .
29 What Pausanias implies is that he found nothing in this source about the Celtic art of divination which had been extolled by Posidonius and other authorities .
30 The Toshiba radar rainfall monitoring system is designed to alert local governments to unexpectedly heavy rainfall , so it gives plenty of advance warning for extra drainage and emergency pumps .
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