Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was taken to Arrowe Park Hospital where I spent four hours having scans and the doctors said he seemed to be OK .
2 Having been awarded my red beret , I went on to RAF Brize Norton where I completed seven parachute jumps and was awarded my ‘ wings ’ .
3 Then she was driven back to the squat , where she spent all afternoon putting up her curtains where none had been , or replacing curtains for which she had no feeling .
4 Mrs Easby , 58 , has returned to her house in Minors Crescent , Darlington , from Harefield Hospital , Middlesex , where she underwent life-saving surgery to replace one of her lungs .
5 Then he remembered that the cottage had been sold , the money placed in trust for his father 's mother , the income paying the fees of the nursing home where she sat all day rocking herself in a wheelchair — Alzheimer 's disease .
6 Not only can this play hell with the smooth operation of a network , it can be a nightmare to troubleshoot , especially where you have long cable runs between machines .
7 Exercise 1 : Try playing the children 's party game where you spend two minutes looking at an assortment of small items on a tray , then cover them with a cloth and see how many of them you can write down .
8 It , it 's just a question of I suppose whether you do it or you get other people to do it or or what .
9 Is that are you saying that you fee you feel living here that as a second rate citizen or you think other people see you
10 The marine invertebrate keeper will encounter more uninvited guests than other hobbyists if he or she uses living rock to decorate their tanks .
11 See that your client initials all alterations to any document executed , and that he or she signs any plan attached to it — this being unnecessary , however , if the plan is drawn on the actual document .
12 A writer is also eligible if he or she has three works broadcast on the radio or the television .
13 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
14 Yeah , I 'm rather concerned that this kind of thing seems to be happening rather a lot , I mean this is so reminiscent of what happened in the , the four maisonette in in Fern Hill where we had empty blocks left for a long time erm becoming a magnet for vandalism and all kinds of everything !
15 Also we went down to the H.Q. at Pages Park where we saw some men putting up photographs of the line in the past .
16 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
17 Or we need full NBC suits . ’
18 The caddie house was their bar where they drank bottled beer bought at the club door — but more of the Artisans later .
19 On warm days in the summer the alligators have access to a separate grassed enclosure where they spend long periods basking directly in the sun .
20 Well yes you see , yah , or they use electronic mail to bring it in .
21 Why has the image of farming gone from one where the farmer was respected as the provider of food for the nation to one where he gets enormous subsidies to produce food mountains and is a burden on the taxpayer ?
22 In 1920 , for example , the notoriously rotund producer G. B. Samuelson made a trip to Universal Studios , where he produced six pictures to learn what he could about the American way of doing things .
23 Christopher , of Bognor Regis , Sussex , was rushed to hospital , where he spent five days recovering from his ordeal .
24 While at the city 's Royal Hospital , he took a detour to the maternity ward , where he caused one woman to laugh so much that she had to be whisked away quickly for a premature birth .
25 An example is in farming , where he says British researchers have produced important innovations that have been commercially lucrative .
26 We are in London 's trendy media haunt , the Groucho Club , where he has that day become a member , his celebrity enabling him to jump a one-year waiting list to his evident delight , and where he is promoting his new BBC travel series Pole to Pole , a sequel to the successful Around the World in 80 Days .
27 A supervision order may include a requirement that the child submit to medical treatment if : ( i ) it is satisfied on the evidence of a registered medical practitioner , that the child 's physical condition requires , or may be susceptible to treatment ; and ( ii ) that satisfactory arrangements have been , or can be made , for the treatment ; and ( iii ) that the child consents to the order , where he has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision ( para 5 ) .
28 Murray gave him petrol money and a bundle of £20 notes amounting to several hundred pounds and Mr Taylor drove to Carlisle and then Liverpool , where he obtained two balls containing powder .
29 Continue on track as it bends right then curves round edge of large field , then past a second building and up minor ridge , where it meets another track coming up from right .
30 GTE Corp signed a definitive agreement with a subsidiary of Lynch Corp for the sale of its telephone service area in Kansas on undisclosed terms : GTE put 2,300 access lines in Kansas up for sale in January , where it has three employees serving 13 exchanges in the state ; after the purchase , Lynch will have 10,750 access lines in five states .
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