Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in the fourth year I tend to do them an evaluation sheet , where I write down lots of questions about the project they have just done , and maybe get them to sit for a double lesson and write about the things they experienced and found out …
2 They all seemed to be down the after ballast compartment so I called down something like , " Come on lads , " I 've got my seizure , what about yours ? "
3 The resort itself is a tremendously friendly place , where you really get to feel that you know almost everybody by the end of the first week .
4 You 'll have up to 15 days to make up your mind , so you 've absolutely nothing at all to lose .
5 but if you can think of some way to say that and put it down so that we put down something like four sentences on paper and a few examples .
6 It is a staggering compliment to their historical reliability that we find almost nothing of the major concerns which engaged the primitive Church written back into the Gospels .
7 The vast roof split by the crack line of Sloth looked fierce , so we sneaked past it in search of less intimidating fare .
8 They have established , to their mutual relief , that they know absolutely nobody in common .
9 Not necessarily : ‘ I do n't think I meant that even the people who have no caveats attached implied that they knew absolutely everything in the box .
10 The head of each household , which includes people who are in charge of residential homes , hotels , etc. , is required by law to fill in the questionnaire on behalf of everybody in the household , or at least to ensure that they fill in one for themselves .
11 At one extreme were those so inert , so withdrawn into themselves , that they gave out nothing to the young .
12 The one-room system encouraged children to be sexually precocious , so that they found out everything about physical matters from their home experience .
13 But the trouble with the picture is that it does absolutely nothing with its various prognostications except play the fool with them .
14 Since he believed that he personified Iran , it was not surprising that he saw almost everything in terms of personal betrayal .
15 By the time Louise returned to the kitchen to tell him that his mother was ready to go home Constance felt that he knew absolutely everything about her , but had revealed nothing of himself .
16 The fact that he knew absolutely nothing about the airline business was neither here nor there .
17 Some people make a living out of it — I do n't — and I 've absolutely nothing against that .
18 " And I win over you in one way — I 'm going to have at least a weekend in Joanna .
19 ‘ I persuaded him to sell me the rights to manufacture the Seven and I took over everything except the Lotus name . ’
20 Their erm conditions were very basic , and I took two fluffy hot water bottles which were going to be used as incubators for the premature babies , that 's all they had , and I took out lots of needles and the surgical gloves and a special instrument for operations .
21 It was a six-letter word and I knew absolutely nothing about it .
22 If I shut out everything except the rushing of the water I can hear different levels of sound . ’
23 And she knows absolutely nothing about dogs .
24 If you pick up something like a Super 400 you play things like Fade To Black rather than Heavy Fuel .
25 But it is equally likely to be either one of the pair , and if you average over lots of sperms ( or eggs ) it turns out that half of them contain one allele , half the other .
26 But you will achieve success only if you set about it in the right way .
27 However , if you set about it in the right way it can be an easy road , a pleasant country ramble rather than an attempt to scale Everest .
28 If you sold just one to eight on a flap that would be a tar er that would be a total revenue of six thousand pound .
29 5 If you wonder how someone like Sam Fifield-Hall ( page 87 ) keeps her flagstones looking polished , here 's a tip : detergent and heavy steam-cleaning wash away the glow with the dirt , so Sam suggests a quick once-over with a broom , then a soft-shoe shuffle in sheepskin slippers .
30 When a colleague discovered that I was coming here to do this er she saw it as laughable and she also saw it as something that I would prefer to keep quiet from my colleagues and tried a bit of moral blackmail on me as well to say I 'm going to tell them about that if you do n't them about this sort of thing .
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