Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] have been [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Adult speech which contains a relatively high proportion of statements or declaratives has been associated with accelerated language development in young children , while studies of pre-schoolers have indicated that conversations are more likely to be maintained over a number of turns if adults make positive contributions by adding new information ( Wood et al .
2 following up a subject assessor visit , perhaps where problems have been found with a module and remedies are being discussed ;
3 The slump in car sales in Britain ( down by a third compared to 1989 ) has meant that manufacturers have been left with large stocks of unequipped cars .
4 Secondly , effective defence in depth presupposes that castles have been sited with this end in view , and that they form a coherent group under unified control .
5 Polo parks ( one was constructed recently at Châteaux Giscours ) , marble bottling halls ( Michel Delon 's at Léoville-Lascases is so highly polished that workers have been issued with special boots ) , Versailles-style formal gardens with sunken cellars provide the spectacular icing on the cake of wealth accumulated by the leading châteaux over the last decade by the simple expedient of charging much more for their wines than it costs to make them .
6 Although the August amendments to the Public Security Act had made chief district officers ( CDOs ) more accountable by ordering them to maintain law and order through district police , on Oct. 6 the government announced that CDOs had been armed with unlimited powers under the Security Act , as amended in September , to hold anyone in preventive detention for the maintenance of law and order .
7 Surely the hon. Gentleman would accept that problems have been associated with unemployment , bad housing and lack of social services for far longer than before any immigrant entered this country .
8 A further letter dated 9th July 1991 says that orders have been placed with your Direct Labour Organisation to carry out this work .
9 I will suggest that Andropulos has been provided with top-level , ultra-secret information from a very senior official .
10 President Turgut Özal revealed unexpectedly to journalists on March 11 that talks had been held with Iraqi Kurdish leaders in Istanbul on March 8 .
11 In addition , in its role as a Designated Research Centre the scope of research has been widened and contacts have been made with researchers in many other countries , including USA , Sweden and France .
12 The Committee has continued to press for a sensible Charter for the Courts as an adjunct to the Citizen 's Charter and meetings have been held with officials in the Home Office and the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
13 The remains of water-mills have been consistently removed ; the weirs which hold up river levels have been dismantled ; and mill-ponds and mill-races have been filled with the dredgings .
14 Over recent years imports and exports have been vested with great political and cultural-ideological significance , and it is very likely that increasing numbers of consumers now register the country of origin of what they are buying , and producers now register the destination of what they are producing , and this knowledge may affect their actions .
15 One example is in Florida , where peat deposits cover 3 million acres , much of which is now being systematically lost through drainage operations ; hundreds of archaeological sites and finds have been destroyed with virtually no record being made .
16 In the last week , both Protestants and Republicans have been vying with each other to grab the headlines by claiming the 3,000th victim .
17 This is the NRA 's first survey and comparisons have been made with a similar exercise five years ago by the Department of the Environment , Welsh Office and the regional water authorities [ which took into account data recorded in 1980 ] .
18 The problem of incorporation of standard terms and conditions has been dealt with in a series of cases generally known as the " ticket cases " , which arose from the practice of printing terms and conditions on a variety of documents from railway or steamship tickets , to deck chair or swimming pool tickets , which were intended to govern the contract between the proprietor and the person using his services ( see for instance Parker v South Eastern Railway ( 1877 ) 2 CPD 416 , Hood v Anchor Line ( Henderson Brothers ) Ltd [ 1918 ] AC 837 , Chapelton v Barry UDC [ 1940 ] 1 KB 532 and Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [ 1971 ] 2 QB 163 ) .
19 The G M B and other unions , but principally the G M B cos that 's one I 'm concerned about , needs to pressurize councillors and officers because councillors and officers have been bombarded with almost as much legislation as the trade unions have had from the Tory government and most of them actually just want an easy time , so you 've got to hassle them , you got to harass them what they do .
20 This is partly because the textiles and coverings have been treated with a sodium borate solution ( to increase their resistance to fire ) which has had an adverse effect on their appearance , and partly because most of the paintwork needs renewing .
21 Riots were increasing over the capital , and communications had been broken with the other two major cities of Nicaea .
22 A total of 41 parties and coalitions had been registered with the Central Electoral Commission ( CEC ) by Sept. 13 .
23 Repairs to the thigh-cuisses and groin-hauberks had been plated with damascened silver and gold engravings of the deeds of Rogal Dorn .
24 The 70 year old was a popular man in the area and police have been flooded with people offering information , but they 're no nearer to catching his killer .
25 From his local library he got photocopies of the maps of his district for 1811 , 1843 and 1871 ; he 'd sit there and try to work out how the changes in the maps related to the view at night ; where the darkness of rookeries , courts and tenements had been replaced with the darkness of lampless parks and public gardens .
26 Among them was John Ingram , who said that he and others had been drinking with Drew at 1.35pm that lunchtime , and that Drew had mentioned going to Cross Street to get a paper .
27 So far fifteen men and women have been charged with drugs-related offences as a result of the Brafield rave and are due to appear before magistrates in a month 's time .
28 Since then , many of the windows and doors have been blocked with an unsightly assortment of bricks , and the mill relegated to the storage of such diverse commodities as plastics and antiques .
29 As we come to the great season of Christmas , throughout the country schools and churches have been celebrating with their festivals , especially those of nine lessons and carols .
30 The Polytechnic has recently taken the decision to enter the conference market during vacations and the standard of furnishings , fittings and facilities has been improved with a view to attracting this type of business .
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