Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] be [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government has admitted that pesticides are appearing in increasing concentrations in tap water , exceeding the Department of Environment 's drinking water inspectorate 's recommended limits .
2 I often find that parents are inhibiting to young people . ’
3 I 'm very disillusioned with the whole thing now and I just think that things are going from bad to worse .
4 The purpose of the report is set out in erm paragraph two three of appendix one and that 's on page thirty seven of the council report er which says quite clearly that things are changing in all areas of the public sector .
5 The business plan 's third big hole is its failure to deal with the lawsuits that names are bringing for alleged negligence by agents .
6 Although ministers now stress that they recognise the importance of backing basic research without strings , the suspicion still lingers that decisions are shifting towards short-term payoffs . ’
7 Although ministers now stress that they recognize the importance of backing basic research without strings , the suspicion still lingers that decisions are shifting towards short-term payoffs .
8 Many take the view that there should be timetabling at the start of legislation to enable it to be seen that Members are dealing with all parts of legislation from the word go .
9 Perhaps it 's sufficient to say that Diana , herself a Romanian , was deeply shocked and did not realise that children were living in such awful conditions in her own country .
10 No market research informed Laura that women were thirsting for long dresses which they could not find .
11 The pollution inspectorate , which is expected to oversee the process , is currently understaffed and personnel are suffering from low morale .
12 She wondered what her father and brothers were doing at that moment , and pictured Niall and Roger riding in through the castle gate with more stories of escapades , cattle raids , skirmishes , pranks and hunting expeditions ; and so vividly could she imagine them that it seemed that she actually heard their voices , saw their red-cheeked smiles , and smelt the leather of their boots and the steam from their bodies when they came into the big kitchen at the end of a day .
13 My tapestries and books were turning into pitch-thick smoke , and the heat , from which I had hitherto been protected , it seems , by the initial surge of adrenalin through my body , now made it plain that this was the last window of opportunity for effecting a dignified , if empty-handed , exit .
14 It is not at all clear what extra resources and provision are currently being planned or provided for this larger group , nor whether the size of that group is broadly agreed , nor whether local authorities and schools are identifying in any way the children involved .
15 There was no chilled Cristal champagne or smoked salmon and the floodlights could hardly be dimmed but , David , the night was full of excitement and emotions were running on four-star .
16 For example , if incomes were rising at 4 per cent , would any individual business whose profits rose more than 4 per cent have the excess taxed away ?
17 This can occur if plants are operating at less than minimum efficiency scale ( see Chapter 2 ) .
18 And more cars and lorries are switching to liquefied natural gas .
19 However , in those situations where professionals and paraprofessionals are working alongside each other , the team approach seems to be gaining wider acceptance as its potential for making optimum use of available personnel resources is being recognized .
20 Since a major redevelopment plan is currently being implemented , many areas of slum and semi-slum housing are being demolished and families are moving to new council estates .
21 The social significance of this ( and one linking it to the theorists we have discussed earlier ) lay in the fact that large numbers of individuals , uprooted from their established communities and families were adapting to one another and to the existing Chicago population .
22 ‘ The four of us share a two-bedroom , fourth-floor flat and things are going from bad to worse .
23 Aforementioned principles and provisions are binding on all Member State authorities , including the courts .
24 Witnessing should never become an excuse for a heated argument ; if things are moving in that direction it 's better to end the conversation sooner rather than later .
25 Now South America , as we have seen , was isolated during the period in which horses and cattle were evolving in other parts of the world .
26 The answer is likely to be more predictable if they are continuously kept informed of what the head and governors are seeking from other local schools and how they assess their own school 's effectiveness .
27 Looking outside again Joseph saw then that the smoke and explosions were emanating from tall bamboo poles set up around the courtyard .
28 Green shoots or otherwise , the effects of recession continue to bite and booksellers and publishers are looking for innovative and more profitable ways of doing business .
29 The transit baggage had not been loaded and customs officials and police were insisting on all cases being opened and everything laid out on the floor .
30 In a letter to Hopkins on the Southampton situation dated 10 August 1911 , he wrote " all the reforms the Southampton people are asking for we discussed at the Executive Meeting before the strike took place and we were all agreed that certain alterations had to take place , but when women and children are starving in one port and there is money locked up in Southampton I think it is one of the most cruel tragedies imaginable " .
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