Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the restaurants is the Savini , Milan 's most prestigious , where opera-goers congregate after a performance to while away the rest of the evening in expensive surroundings .
2 The choice of subsection can also be important where odours arise from a works registered under The Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 as amended .
3 But where standards appear to a discharger to impose excessive demands he may exercise a right of appeal to the Secretary of State .
4 The most promising such theory is the theory of ‘ mental models ’ , whose crucial insight is that readers extract from a text a ‘ model ’ of the situation in the ‘ real or imaginary ) world that the text is about .
5 The association between the daughter 's rejection and the mother 's disability appears to afford at least circumstantial evidence that relationships deteriorate as a consequence of the burdens of tending .
6 In particular , we assume that firms act in a Cournot-Nash fashion , taking their competitors ' outputs as fixed ; i.e. .
7 The effects of reforms are analysed using a computerized simulation routine which calculate the tax rates that households face under a reform and predicts the incentive effects of the changes and the consequences for household living standards .
8 Even if subject searches are initiated at the catalogue , it has been found that users look for a shelf number location and proceed to the shelves to continue their subject search.1536 The inadequacies of library catalogues in supporting subject access have thus been tolerable because of the open-access tradition of Anglo-American libraries , which encourages the direct shelf approach for subject searching .
9 We are aware that the idea that couples go through a courtship with little or no caressing seems out of touch with reality .
10 Some notice that symptoms improve during a crisis , only to return later .
11 He argues that societies change by a process of structural differentiation .
12 More radical socialists have been prepared to go even further : either insisting that markets operate within a framework of planning , or even proposing that markets themselves be ‘ socialized ’ , by inserting into them new institutions and procedures which will rob them of their tendencies to inequality and producer dominance .
13 In addition , the reflective characteristic of grid technique means that grids act as a kind of psychological mirror .
14 Children may know that clothes dry on a washing line or in a tumble dryer , but may not have asked how or why .
15 Erm it 's been shown that women strive for a pronunciations and and sort of go more towards the .
16 A small survey among campesina women living in the eastern part of the country , one of the poorest areas , suggested that women live in a state verging on terror during pregnancy , fearing death , or at least a permanent decline in their general level of health .
17 The T m s are similar in all cases , and therefore it is concluded that the exothermicities of their formation would be similar at 0 K. The differences are assumed to lie in the fact that homopolymers behave in a manner analogous to a crystal , with a sudden transformation from a highly ordered state just below the T m to the disordered state just above the T m .
18 Shearwaters and petrels belong to a group called the tube-noses , for their nostrils are protected by a pair of tubes which extend some way down the beak from its base and these give them a much better perception of smell than other birds have .
19 When newspapers start to report falls in Labour 's opinion-poll lead to 15% as a setback and Conservatives claim as a triumph Labour 's best-ever local-government result , we can safely conclude that the political landscape in Britain has changed .
20 Tai chi chuan requires that the hands , eyes , body and limbs perform as a whole , with the legs as the base and the waist as the axis .
21 There is a large car park and admission to the walk is granted on payment of a small charge , whereupon visitors pass through a gateway into Arcadia .
22 Whilst there were obvious similarities between this tradition and nazism , its inspiration and origins occur in a period before anybody in England had heard of Hitler .
23 Staff and parents work as a team .
24 If guests feel like a meal out , there are numerous pubs and restaurants in Dartmouth .
25 Is credit rationing easier to implement if banks operate as a cartel or if they are highly competitive ?
26 Indeed it is to be found in most legal systems whose constitutional arrangements and traditions provide for a separation of powers between the legislative , executive and judicial branches of government .
27 Field men , however , are constantly reminded that industrialists and farmers work on a principle of equity : they can readily discover the standards which their competitors must observe and may complain if they are being handicapped .
28 Behind this vast , westwerk , a long nave and aisles lead to a transept and two further , eastern towers .
29 As the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) said , dangers and difficulties arise as a result of the shortage of time that is available to consider the regulations .
30 Scarborough Council had barred storage on the Eastborough car park but is set to change its mind if owners agree to a charge of about £60 .
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