Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 On the western clay plateau at Orwell the number of customary tenants who held yardlands or half-yardlands declined during the first thirty years of the seventeenth century .
2 Although Stars & Stripes led on the first two legs , America 's speed prevailed .
3 Sea defences : To reinforce the shorelines of the coastal strips separating the Lagoon from the Adriatic ( including reconstruction of the sea walls or murazzi built in the eighteenth century by the Venetian Republic along the seaward edge of the Lido and the island of Pellestrina and badly damaged by heavy seas in 1966 ) .
4 It shows the appalling deprivation and human loss that Russians suffered during the Second World War and the difficulty that children of the thirties had in adjusting to life in post-war Russia .
5 In particular , Siegel ( 1967 ) found that a close examination of his results led to the conclusion ( see also Riley 1968 ) that it was unwarranted to assume that responses learned in the first stage could not be the source of the transfer seen in the second .
6 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
7 The two sides also agreed that elections scheduled for the second half of September 1992 would be conducted on a basis of proportional representation and that the post-election regime would be " semi-presidential " , with the president serving a five-year mandate , renewable for three terms .
8 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
9 Many of the tales and sketches included in the First and Second Series were extensively revised , and sometimes retitled , from their first periodical appearance .
10 But all Anselm 's actions , both under Rufus and Henry I , suggest that he thought that too much importance was being attached to the disputed ceremonies , and that the real problems of religious life were at the level of personal attitudes and motives known in the last resort only to God .
11 The group — all males — were wearing either knee-length shirts or what looked like the jackets and trousers left from the last church jumble sale .
12 In South Wales 11 major rivers were at danger levels with many homes and businesses hit for the second time in a week .
13 The complex definitions of housework standards and routines described in the last chapter are not simply created as a response to the job situation ; they antedate the time of ‘ becoming a housewife ’ .
14 On Feb. 14 , however , Nichol met representatives of the Association of Chief Ambulance Officers , and on Feb. 20 management and unions met for the first time since October in a session with the Advisory , Conciliation and Arbitration Service ( ACAS ) .
15 In and near Moscow are a number of other monasteries and churches built between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries , all of Byzantine character but displaying individually Russian features particularly in the domes and the stepped ogee , triangular and rounded shell formations ( called kokoshniki ) which topped the main building and acted as a base for the tower or cupola drums .
16 This document describes only those components and facilities required for the second stage of computer processing for Phase 1 .
17 But things changed in the second round after coach Billy Armstrong told Exley to use his hook .
18 Nasogastric tube feeding was started but symptoms persisted over the next 24 hours .
19 As communications improved during the 18th century , so the number of coaching inns or pubs situated at turnpikes increased .
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