Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just to be dubbed a ‘ best buy ’ in a range of rival tumble driers , answering machines or camcorders can lead to a rush to the store by discerning customers .
2 I am convinced that if the hon. Gentleman were ever in a position of responsibility in the House — the likelihood of which is becoming increasingly remote — he would also find himself advised that it would be foolish to put before the House proposals which in a few weeks or months might fall outside the law .
3 His training protocol exploited the fact that , given a choice between staying in a lighted environment or entering a dark compartment , rodents such as rats or mice will go into the dark .
4 The courts would also be able to keep many more people out of custody if there were more bail hostels , where defendants could reside in a sheltered environment while receiving assessment from local services , and more sheltered hostels for sentenced offenders who require supervision by probation officers but not the restrictions of a prison .
5 I suspect that the colleagues whom I have characterised as Constitutionalists or patriots may object to the classification as too restrictive of their views .
6 These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual .
7 There was little class consciousness in the European sense among the peasantry or urban workers in the nineteenth century , though occupational groups such as washermen , carters or fishermen could unite at the local level to protect their economic interests .
8 Amongst the many things Sue and Colin have worked on , the walled garden is much improved with very pretty herbaceous borders and a lawn laid out with parasoled tables and chairs , where guests can relax with a drink on a warm summer 's evening .
9 This meant that a trust investing solely in , say , gilts or bonds could qualify for the £1,500 limit , which was not the original intention .
10 In a similar vein , victims or witnesses may sympathise with the offender , or be unwilling to inform on a member of their family or a friend .
11 When pressure is reduced during ascent , this nitrogen must be slowly eliminated through breathing , or bubbles will form in the bloodstream , giving rise to the bends .
12 Many scientists or doctors would answer in the affirmative , but I would like to say , emphatically , that the answer is no .
13 Any such policy of quotas or limits would add to the complexities of making and monitoring offers , given the multiplicity of fields and combinations ( some with reserved places ) .
14 Thus a disordered sequence of clauses or sentences can act as an iconic representation of material or emotional disorder .
15 So while school or college-leavers can benefit from a relatively standardised approach , there are others whose training programme needs to be structured closely around their specific backgrounds and individual requirements , otherwise a large element of everyone 's input is going to be little more than an wasteful duplication of effort .
16 Re-use of needles or syringes can lead to the exchange of small quantities of blood , leading to transmission of the virus from one person to the next .
17 Although some practitioners advocated the purchase of a farm , where students could learn about the practicalities of management and disease , nothing came of it .
18 Yet it is of course the labour theory of value which justifies the conclusion that the whole of the proceeds from the sale of goods or services should accrue to the workers : and hence , that income accruing from property — that is , from land and capital — to the owners is misappropriation ; that the remedy is to abolish rights in property , ; that , since property owners are bound to resist abolition , a class war between the workers or proletariat , and the property owners or bourgeoisie , is inevitable ; and that it will be resolved by revolution .
19 However , management will be aware that vacancies will arise in the ensuing months .
20 This assumption suggests that researchers should look for the contrary , but socially shared , themes within the thinking of members of social groups .
21 Sole practitioners and two partner firms were understandably fearful that institutions might retaliate to the imposition of a hardship test ( or cap ) by restricting their conveyancing panels to firms with three or more partners , and attention was drawn to the ‘ threat ’ issued by the Halifax Building Society in this regard , as well as to the current practice of a number of lenders .
22 To facilitate this aim the Presidents had signed an Economic Action Plan for Central America and agreed that discussions should proceed on the revival of the Central American Common Market .
23 He thinks that employers will go for the cheapest labour they can .
24 Most of us appreciate the beauty that birds can bring to the garden , but when they spoil our fruit and vegetables they become less desirable garden visitors .
25 Schönhuber manoeuvred around the ‘ old Nazi ’ tag , while making plain that not only was he proud to have been in the Waffen SS , but that there was indeed something worthwhile that Germans could salvage from the Nazi era .
26 Two by-elections at the Wrekin and one at Dover showed the threat that independents could pose on the anti-spending tack , and Lord Salisbury tried to guide the agitation into respectable channels through a People 's Union for Economy .
27 Mrs Thatcher is one of the few senior politicians who takes pride in stating her political convictions and insists that policies should derive from a coherent set of principles .
28 The implications of such spending increases are either that borrowing would rise to unprecedented levels , and no doubt interest rates with them , or , alternatively , that taxes would rise to a remarkable extent .
29 ( Note that DCs may pass through the same state more than once .
30 His Albert Angelo ( 1964 ) has holes cut in its pages so that readers may see into the future , while his celebrated novel-in-a-box The Unfortunates ( 1964 ) is made up of loose-leaf sheets , intended , as a note on the box explains , ‘ to be read in random order ’ .
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