Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , as far as the marketer is concerned , the build-up of consistent and long-term customer loyalty towards a particular brand ( brand loyalty ) may have the ( desirable ) effect of speeding the individual through the decision process sequence , and minimizing the degree to which alternative brands or products are given serious consideration .
2 Envelopes or labels are typed each time a story goes out .
3 True , too , Bosnia 's Serbs have won as much land as they want ( though in the territories they control ethnic cleansing continues : about 1,000 Muslims or Croats are leaving northern Bosnia every week , it is reported , after signing papers to say they are going voluntarily ) .
4 Zooming is carried out by repeating pixel values , so that zooming by a factor of four implies that each pixel value in the memory bank or banks is repeated four times , and each line of the image is also repeated four times .
5 In Third World countries , in particular , where governments are seeking efficient ways of adopting scientific and technological know-how , the characteristics of English as an international language already give it considerable advantage over others in the commercial competition to ‘ sell ’ such language training .
6 for example , a production manager may be stuck about ideas on how to improve factory efficiency but looking at a potted plant on the desk might suggest an improved working environment or employees being given more wages ( which may be seen as the equivalent of plant food ) .
7 Because the merchant bank or sub-underwriters are buying existing shares there will normally be a charge to stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax ( SDRT ) on the sale .
8 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
9 Possible explanations for a difference between older and younger women are that the operation has a delayed effect , that the operative technique has changed over the years so that it is less likely to affect bowel function , or that gynaecologists are doing fewer operations on women with pelvic pain of intestinal origin .
10 While noting that Parolles is given some kind of dignity in verse , we should also observe that Shakespeare seldom ends a scene with a soliloquy in prose — Thersites and Falstaff are the only characters who do so more than once .
11 Another sign of the times is that dealers are taking smaller spaces .
12 Does he accept that there should still be a future for the tube division despite the fact that workers are seeing imported tubes used in the North sea when they are capable of making them ?
13 The law was introduced after the discovery that crematoriums were emitting toxic pollutants .
14 Research identified that retailers were using cheap methods of display which had been around since the 1950's .
15 Although physicists are having some difficulty in deciding what are the fundamental particles of which matter and energy are composed , they seem to agree that there are fundamental particles .
16 The Inland Revenue is investigating allegations that huntsmen are evading paying tax on a million pound trade in animal skins .
17 As has been seen , the futures market presents a particular challenge to the regulator to ensure that investors are given adequate protection from the potentially high risks and volatility involved in the futures market whilst at the same time ensuring that the efficient operation of the markets is not unduly impeded .
18 If the content of a putatively infallible belief is merely that things are looking that way to me now , there is clearly less room for error than if I were to risk the belief that that way is pink .
19 Many lenders report that borrowers are showing more interest in mortgage protection insurance in conjunction with new loans .
20 Most of the studies will involve volunteer trainee GPs who will try out a variety of mutually agreed upon strategies designed to increase the frequency of signs indicating that patients are making active checks on their understanding and acceptance of suggestions made by the doctor .
21 The impression that the being would take home is that Earthlings are making reasonable progress in rudimentary aspects of space science and technology ; that the world is keen to spread the benefits of such studies from the industrialised to the developing world ; and that all work in space science and technology follows the lead set by farsighted government bureaucrats and politicians .
22 However , once divisions are given some independence they may make decisions that are not in the best interests of the group as a whole .
23 In 1968 the Crofters Commission proposed that crofters be given full rights to the ownership of their crofts .
24 Reports from Zimbabwe suggest that poachers are killing black rhinos even though they have been dehorned by the authorities to make them unattractive to hunters .
25 The projects are presented by a group of English-speaking children from Britain , America and Australia , so that pupils are reminded that English is an international language .
26 ‘ There 's a new expression for YT that trainees are using this year — they 're calling it Slave Training , ’ said Mr Hanson .
27 Moussa said on Jan. 19 , 1990 , that police were holding 2,411 people under emergency laws , but promised a policy review to reduce the number .
28 There is evidence that men are taking early retirement or using redundancy to take on a caring role ( Green , 1988 ) .
29 Thus it seems likely that health authorities were encouraged to be generous in the allocation of budgets , that fundholders were less concerned than they might otherwise have been about the need to stay within strict cash limits , and that non-fundholders were allowed greater freedom of referral than might have been anticipated .
30 At the beginning of March , a social services minister said that hospitals were reporting fewer car accident victims as a result of the law .
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