Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [verb] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During that time BP has held a small interest in offshore block 8 and has been designated operator for onshore Cabinda Central block , where operations have been suspended for security reasons .
2 This has been especially evident in Peru and Chile , where goals have been fought for and won in this way .
3 Yesterday 's announcement of 420 job losses came after a meeting between the receivers and union representatives at the yard , where warships have been built for 130 years .
4 Recognise that where words have been borrowed in the last 400 years , there are some characteristic sound-symbol relationships that reflect the word 's origin , eg ch- in French words like champagne , chauffeur , charade , and ch- in Greek words like chaos , chiropody , chorus , compared with ch- in long-established English words like chaff , cheese , chin .
5 There have been several imaginative schemes where special schools or units have been placed alongside mainstream schools .
6 Diverse cultures , religions and races have often found common ground and contact in rugby and lasting bridges between nations or peoples have been supported by sporting encounters at all levels .
7 Nursery units will also be welcomed at Springfield school , Darlington , and Evenwood , Teesdale , where parents have been campaigning for better nursery provision .
8 The use , in pavements , of designs which were probably intended for ceilings or vaults has been considered by Painter ( 1976 ) , with regard to the mosaic from Hinton St. Mary , Dorset .
9 Parallel importing : where articles have been put into circulation by or with the consent of the right owner , he can not use his rights to prevent the subsequent import into another EC country even though he may be selling those articles to himself in that other country .
10 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
11 All costs are expressed in 1989/90 prices , and where costs have been incurred beyond the first year , then the Treasury 's recommended discount rate of 6% has been applied to obtain a present value estimate .
12 Adult speech which contains a relatively high proportion of statements or declaratives has been associated with accelerated language development in young children , while studies of pre-schoolers have indicated that conversations are more likely to be maintained over a number of turns if adults make positive contributions by adding new information ( Wood et al .
13 Had the Israelites been polytheists , like all the other peoples of the ancient world , a natural conclusion to have drawn from the defeat would have been that their god or gods had been overcome by the gods of the Philistines .
14 These should not be intended to duplicate the deed of indemnity but to obtain information as to possible taxation problems and where things have been done in the past which could , depending on what is done in the future , give problems after completion .
15 If any discrepancy reports are received it will usually mean that insufficient time or resources have been allocated for the offline system to carry out its verification cycle successfully ( or those resources are not appropriate to the maximum latency time ) .
16 Other streets or lanes have been found at Tullie House , Castle Street and Keays Lane , but their alignments and positions do not fit a regular , rectangular grid .
17 following up a subject assessor visit , perhaps where problems have been found with a module and remedies are being discussed ;
18 Or trees had been felled by age or storms and their rotting trunks left to become covered with creepers and fungi .
19 In a few hours of concentrated assault he could destroy months of determined surreptitious growth ; but then he would discover some other , overlooked area where things had been going to the dogs unheeded and some valiantly struggling patch of wood anemone or bluebells had been choked to the last gasp .
20 Sixty alleged Palestinian informers or collaborators had been killed by August 1989 , as the Israeli Defence Force ( IDF ) and Shin Bet ( the Israeli secret police ) increased their use of informers to set up paramilitary groups working alongside Palestinian collaborators .
21 Where assets have been revalued in the financial year , the names or qualifications of the valuers and the bases of valuation should be given .
22 Where towns have been joined in this way the whole built-up area is called a conurbation .
23 Since the 1980 Competition Act it is also possible for the Director General of Fair Trading to refer a particular practice of an individual firm to the Commission , where complaints have been received from supposedly injured parties , or the practice is suspected of limiting competition .
24 Where systems have been shown to be weak , the risk would be high .
25 There are signs that this situation is changing in the US , where women have been prosecuted for harming their unborn fetus , but such legislation has yet to cross the Atlantic .
26 The case of Goff v Gauthier ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 388 has shown that it must be fair and reasonable for the vendor to rely on this exclusion ( see page 62 ) ; ( e ) to state that the vendor will not be liable to the extent that any claim arises out of or is increased by the acts or omissions of the purchaser after completion ; ( f ) to provide that the purchaser must give credit for the amount by which assets are found to have been understated , or liabilities have been over-provided for in the accounts ; ( g ) to ensure that the purchaser pays to the vendor all amounts subsequently recovered from third parties relating to claims that have been paid by the vendor .
27 The Birmingham Six case was the latest in a series where convictions had been overturned in cases arising from the Irish Republican Army 's 1974 public house bombings in England , the " Guildford Four " having been freed in October 1989 [ see p. 36983 ] and the " Maguire seven " in June 1990 [ see p. 37536 ] .
28 There is a common expectation that mourners will visit the cemetery where the dead person 's body or ashes have been interred for a recognized period of time , attending to flowers at the grave and generally maintaining contact with the memory of the dead person .
29 Rural areas do not display the same concentrations of poor housing and poor social conditions , and as a result very few HAAs or GIAs have been declared in them ( Kirby 1977 , ; Dunn et al .
30 The hey-day of sport in our village seems to have been from the late 19th century up to the 1914 war , with a short revival between the wars but although attempts have been made at intervals the same enthusiasm does n't seem to prevail .
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