Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] for [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Protocol also leaves out ‘ soft ’ CFCs , which have a much lower potential for ozone depletion but still have a destructive effect .
2 Competition among them has been intense in the past decade as a result of the switch to reimbursement based on diagnostic related groups rather than historic costs , a difficult regulatory environment aimed at reducing short stay hospital capacity and at cost containment , and a much tougher climate for research funding .
3 Most L1 + cells at this site were this taken to represent granulocytes , which was supported by the fact that the CD68 + L1 - cells showed a much stronger reaction for acid phosphatase than those expressing L1 in all ethanol fixed specimens examined .
4 But over the lifetime of a Parliament the Lib Dem PSBR would fall below the Tories because ours is short term borrowing for investment and not longer term for tax cuts .
5 Accident Cashguard offers even better value for family cover — so why not include your Spouse and children on your Application .
6 The attempt to ‘ educate ’ the people to heroic self-sacrifice for historic deeds and ideological aims had led ultimately to an even stronger yearning for material satisfaction and personal happiness .
7 The significantly higher score for team ability in Japan is consistent with the higher investment in training and the high score for motivation with the high scores for project integration — a strong project leader increases team motivation — and the higher score for joint reward systems .
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