Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] in [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A much smaller increase in premium where you loose your no claims bonus following an accident than with most other insurers .
2 The process made for a much slower reduction in unemployment than elsewhere in the Yorkshire , Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Coalfields , and there were fears of the industry being cut to 35,000–40,000 men , with the possible ending of mining in Scotland , Wales and the North East .
3 This analysis may also help to assess the extent to which the central contradiction in Anderson 's character , his apparently greater interest in football than his academic field of ethics , displays itself in conversation .
4 We would , therefore expect to see much greater lobbying in Congress than in the Commons , and so we do .
5 Indeed there is currently much greater utilisation in guidance and therapy .
6 The cross is or slightly earlier date in origin and was the centre of a weekly market on Thursdays , for which a charter was granted in the 13th century .
7 ‘ The obvious symmetrical properties of sea shells indicate the operation of a far deeper principle in nature than previously thought , one that could have far reaching implications for Science in general . ’
8 There have , for example , been 29 changes in the method of computing the unemployment figures since the present Government came to power , so that the total number of people out of work has fallen by a far greater amount in appearance than in reality .
9 Civilization is most commonly defined not as greater efficiency in crop-growing and manufacture , but precisely as the preservation of distance from these activities .
10 Now fortune had brought him a creature in an even lower position in society than himself .
11 There is an even greater variation in relief and structure , and the sand dunes and rock plains , which commonly figure in the popular concept of a desert , form only a fraction of the total area .
12 At local level individual authorities , which have rather greater freedom in planning than their English counterparts , have been active in encouraging investment .
13 Erm and the two the two females in the solidarity evaluations they it was constant the d There was n't any change erm across the two guises but with the males there was a significantly higher score in solidarity when they were in the Kentucky accented guises .
14 The first type of learning difficulty is where a child ‘ has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of his/her age ’ .
15 His Honour said that J 's dyslexia ‘ would appear to give him significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of his age ’ , and that J 's high intelligence was ‘ neither here nor there ’ in relation to the specific cause of the learning difficulty .
16 It replaced the previous categories of handicap with the concept of special educational needs , defined as existing where a child has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age , or has a disability that prevents or hinders him or her from using the educational facilities normally available .
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