Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh adv] [vb base] [not/n't] [pron] just " in BNC.

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1 So why do n't we just let things develop at their own pace ? ’
2 So why do n't you just settle to knowing your place and doing your job , and just maybe I wo n't let him tear you in shreds the way he 's aching to do ?
3 You do n't know what I said , so why do n't you just shut your face . ’
4 So why do n't you just run a middle peasant economy but take what you need from everybody else ?
5 So why do n't I just go down to that devil-Frenchman 's wagon and see how he likes burning … ’
6 Tonight why do n't we just skip all the 4 play mama , and just get down on the floor ! ’
7 Tonight why do n't we just skip all the 4 play mama , and just get down on the floor ! ’
8 Now why do n't you just forget the whole thing ?
9 Now why do n't you just shut up ? ’
10 Oh well why do n't they just bring down as well you know might as well .
11 I mean when Rutherford did his experiments years and years ago he produced his planetary model of the nucleus , of the atom where the nucleus plays the role of the sun and the electrons play the role of the planets , and people said well why do n't they just spiral in an erm Rutherford had actually no answer to this , but the answer to this was produced by the Danish physicist Nils Bore , who said ‘ Well they do n't spiral in because erm electrons can not just take up any orbit , they can take up certain specified orbits which he called stationary states , and there is a lowest one of these , and when the electron gets down there it can not go any further .
12 Well le ge well why do n't we just use both fists ?
13 Well why do n't you just adopt their verbiage as part of er wo n't have to pay any copyright fees for doing that .
14 well why do n't you just get what you think !
15 Well why do n't you just prewarn them before you 're gon na do it and say look I 'm no longer gon na use this bank I 'm er
16 Well why do n't you just say you do n't mind any of them ?
17 Well why do n't you just absolutely fold him up ? yourself .
18 you 're saying to it 's logical conclusion , then why do n't we just erm , open up Hampden up sell the stuff there , you know people , you know , if children want it or adults
19 Then why do n't you just give it to him ? ’
20 Then why do n't you just call the police ? ’ the younger woman said , agitated .
21 ‘ If you 've got the money and it was for a favour lasting a day or two , then why do n't you just tell him the arrangement is ended and let Barbara Coleman leave ? ’
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