Example sentences of "[adv] [indef pn] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore one may remark on the fact that that which is considered ‘ feminine ’ , which the male also now takes on , corresponds simply to what have traditionally been women 's tasks ( nurturing and caring ) .
2 Perhaps everything would change like the names once she was out of their net .
3 Suddenly one would leap onto a bale of hay and exclaim , ‘ I know , kids , why do n't we do the show right here … ? ’
4 These results are in line with the knowledge that not everyone will respond to the same remedy , as some individuals are more sensitive to a remedy than others for whom it is not indicated .
5 Not everyone should wait until the standard age to retire .
6 Proceeding by trial and error ; thus one might speak of a heuristic approach to teaching grammar .
7 One ambiguity which runs through most definitions , as it does with the word ‘ course ’ , is whether one is referring to the total package of studies or only one element in it ; thus one can speak of the undergraduate curriculum or the history curriculum .
8 Always one must look to the future . ’
9 It is important to understand that the ratio decidendi of a particular case is not wholly to be found in the case itself ; rather one must look to the way in which later courts interpret the case .
10 Have you ever noticed that when Christians speak about how they became followers of Jesus , nearly everyone will concentrate on the moment when they faced that crisis , and made their decision ?
11 Health campaigners point out that nearly everybody will benefit from a small amount of exercise .
12 Er everybody or nearly everybody used to go to the pawnshop .
13 There are difficulties in identifying areas common to the brains of people and other animals and , even when that can be done , it is unclear how far one can rely on the areas working in exactly the same way .
14 Now one can speak of the development of autonomous ‘ life-orders ’ or ‘ value-spheres ’ , and in particular of the eighteenth-century autonomization of theoretical , ethical , and aesthetic spheres .
15 To give meaning in prototype theory is to determine how far something can differ from the prototype and still be a member of the class .
16 Well everybody ought to go to the dentist if they want to keep their teeth nice and healthy .
17 If people are n't interested in , in evaluation of something that concerns them , then nothing will happen at the end of it .
18 If people are n't interested in an evaluation of something that concerns them , then nothing will happen at the end of it .
19 Almost everyone will work for the group , rather than a specific title .
20 Maybe somebody would come to the library and that might be the spur that they need " .
21 Nonetheless there is a tendency within the academic establishment to regard the exposition of the black-letter law and the exhaustive analyses of concepts as the totality of the concerns of the academic criminal lawyer ; indeed one may speak of an attempt , conscious or otherwise , to distort the data to fit the expositor 's ideal .
22 Beethoven is unthinkable without the tradition of western music , indeed one might say without the very specific background of late eighteenth-century music in Vienna .
23 No I think just dedication and we , if we made an appearance maybe something would come to a head , things would get sorted , if we just said forget it then stay at home , then the quarry managers would say right forget it , we 'll get another workforce in , you know it was , I think it was just I think some were dedicated to the job and sort of gave it their best , whereas others were slightly you know , willy nilly about it and well I 'll turn up today cos it the weather looks nice , or I 'll turn up today because the wife is n't off and or the gas has run out or whatever .
24 There may well be a modest marble tombstone for Mr Dowd somewhere in Saratoga Springs ; but each time the television continuity announcer advertises a forthcoming programme as showing at ‘ 9 pm Eastern , 8 Central and Mountain ’ then one might say of the late Professor , si monumentum requiris , circumspice .
25 In general if an illness has appeared rapidly and vigorously over a matter of hours then one should look for a cause in the preceding few hours or day at the most .
26 Whether one agrees , disagrees or maintains a neutral attitude to this technique is a matter of personal choice , but how one would respond to a professional call to administer this procedure is a different situation entirely .
27 Having accounted for how action types might acquire conventional but unstructured meanings , he advances straightaway to a discussion of how one might come into an alien community and find evidence that their linguistic interactions are structured ( syntactically and semantically ) .
28 One great difficulty in the event was that the picture of the man of science as an open-minded searcher after truth does not fit all of them ; indeed it is hard to see how anybody could work in the kind of vacuum envisaged by some of those who invoke a Baconian inductive method .
29 Except in the case of rent arrears , almost anyone can act as a private bailiff .
30 The ceilings were so low that one wonders how anyone could get at the carding machines to clean them .
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