Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right down the other end of the pipe , please , ’ said Gurder .
2 When her aunt was dressed she walked slowly down the narrow staircase in front of her in case , in her weak state , she should stumble .
3 He peered uneasily down the dark tunnel at the end of the platform and remembered something else from their past : Mother Bernie and her holes in the universe , the holes that let the Evil in .
4 He marched purposefully down the central aisle of the ward until he found the sister .
5 Johnson 's account pauses at the Fall of Fiers , today called Foyers , a little more than halfway down the south-eastern length of the Loch .
6 The sun had moved behind the rooftops and it cast shadows halfway up the little houses on the opposite side of the turning .
7 Nara was perched safely halfway up the notched-pole ladder to the upper roof .
8 Leo had climbed laboriously up the promotional ladder of merchant banking to one of the higher rungs , earning every penny of his salary , whereas James seemed to accumulate money without even trying .
9 If so , take a pair of tweezers and GENTLY easy out the offending bit of yarn .
10 Sweeney Agonistes takes its audience back not simply to what was seen as the childhood , even babyhood of ritual and civilization , but further down the evolutionary ladder to the most primitive level of that ‘ amorphous protoplasm ’ which makes up the human egg .
11 Only slightly further up the evolutionary scale in terms of reproduction are the Echinoderms .
12 Don Peters had failed in his UK assignment and had effectively blown his chances of being moved further up the corporate ladder to a Vice Presidency and , maybe , to the Presidency itself .
13 First there is an increase in misdemeanours — the type of behaviour a girl might be ticked off for at home but which in care results in her finding herself further up the custodial ladder in a Community Home with Education .
14 A few hours later the carrack was proceeding slowly up the narrow entrance to the Tagus between St Julian 's Fort and the sandbanks where the long Atlantic swell was making a dazzling white line of roaring surf .
15 Moving like ants in a sand-trap we gasped slowly up the near-vertical rim of the secondary crater , into a storm of ash which masked the gathering dawn .
16 Then , with two Arabs pushing him and two pulling , he was bundled slowly up the high stones of the Pyramid to the summit .
17 He reached Haslemere in early afternoon , hired a taxi and discharged it fifteen minutes later on the other side of the road from the Skein of Geese Hotel and Restaurant a few miles south-east of the town .
18 In the big retail market which opens later on the combined scents of ripe peaches and the fresh basil and thyme plants lying in heaps on the ground gave us our first sniff of Provence .
19 Some of his books were probably in that bonfire ; all of his Sagitta writings were later on the Nazi list of forbidden books .
20 The folds in the return maps prevent the relatively simple analysis of the strange attractor from remaining true , since points which are separated by the expansion in one direction can , if they are later on the opposite sides of the fold in the map , be forced back together again by the contraction in the other direction .
21 United looked like traffic controllers , directing the flow straight down the arterial routes towards Swindon 's goal .
22 Five minutes later Léonie walked carefully down the stone-flagged passage into the kitchen .
23 Climbing out , stood for a few seconds to let his eyes adjust to the pale moonlight , then he stepped through the gap and began to pick his way carefully down the uneven terrain of the slope , towards the crashed car below .
24 She heard him picking his way carefully down the spiral staircase at the back of the tenement and stood by the window , looking down into the street .
25 On Lock Maree Crag he climbed the heavenly line of Arial , E3 5c with George Ridge , which blasts straight up the central crackline in the massive 50-metre pitch .
26 I opted for parsley to help them get over the difference in water and to remove any toxins produced by the parasitic attack , mint as an antiseptic and to encourage them to feed , fennel to help clear out the digestive tract in case of internal parasites ( a very mild air to pumpkin seeds ) and as a mild antiseptic , elderflowers to reduce the fish 's stress , pumpkin seeds to deal with the parasites and to help the skin heal , and garlic — again to deal with the parasites , but also as an antibiotic in case of secondary infection .
27 It was not exactly a novel sentiment , but from now on the dominant message from within the Tory ranks would be that the welfare state had weakened family ties , the increase of working mothers had produced ‘ a growing decline in parental responsibility ’ , and ‘ affluence ’ had undermined the nation 's moral fibre .
28 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
29 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
30 He strode on , pausing at the bottom of the meadow , looking back up the slight incline towards the barn .
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