Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] the [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And that obviously creates the uplift in land values which finances the social structure that would be set in terms of the operational criteria for the new settlement .
2 Copper Fox : Gain Concealment Rural , Concealment Urban , Silent Move Rural and Silent Move Urban skills ( or +5 test bonus if the character already has the skill in question ) ; -5 Cl .
3 Dicey thus identifies the growth in power of the party machine as the source of the problem : ‘ Coalitions , log-rolling , and parliamentary intrigue are in England diminishing the moral and political faith in the House of Commons . ’
4 But if there is any real doubt in marginal cases the officer 's need to cover himself against the possibility of criticism from above normally resolves the issue in favour of sampling .
5 The Archaeology of Knowledge thus analyses the shift in historiography of which Foucault himself is the most powerful contemporary representative .
6 The A one six eight between Dishforth and Thirsk still has the contraflow in place between the A one and the A nineteen and finally just a reminder that er contraflow on the A one at Catterick is causing southbound delays of between five and six miles .
7 If not dead , the question becomes one of whether the patient still needs the ventilator in order to breathe ; and , if so , whether , from the point of view of ultimate benefit , there is any longer any point in turning it back on .
8 Britain still leads the world in playground design and the Bouncing Ball company in Hereford has found a ready export market in Spain .
9 Who always gets the blame in schoolyard soccer ?
10 Paul furtively investigates the section in Pregnancy which details the part he played in the business .
11 If the smallest doses are given then even if the remedy is inappropriate the harm done is insignificant and the appropriate remedy quickly puts the case in order .
12 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
13 Leapor 's ‘ An Essay on Friendship ’ is more comprehensive rebuttal of Pope 's ‘ An Epistle to a Lady ’ ( see below ) , yet it is evident that Leapor also has the poem in mind when she is writing ‘ An Essay on Woman ’ .
14 Figure 3.5 clearly shows the improvement in performance obtained when scores are calculated in this manner .
15 If the accused later discovers the defect in title and sells the item without disclosing the defect , he will have obtained the sale price by deception , the deception being that he has a good title .
16 Probably keeps the firm in business .
17 The unhappiness with the main parties also shifts the balance in favour of the smaller groups such as the Green parties and Jean-Marie Le Pen 's extreme right National Front .
18 There is no under-21 fixture against the English this season , which also explains the presence in student ranks of Stewart Campbell , who missed the final under-21 encounter because of flu .
19 More recently , however , it has been found that bright light at other times of the day — in the evening , which also mimics the light in summer-time , and at noon , which does not lengthen daylight hours — has an effect also .
20 The effort put into marketing and customer service far exceeds the effort in production and in research .
21 One hour after the dose the phase of rapid equilibration between the blood and tissues is generally complete and the elimination phase becomes dominant , and thus the observed concentration more accurately reflects the concentration in tissue , where the infection is most likely to be .
22 The European fighter aircraft is a joint project between Britain , Germany , Spain and Italy , but Germany 's decision to pull out leaves the project in doubt .
23 In 1991 the selectors were Andrew Brighton , a critic and art historian who trained as a painter and who now runs the MA in Art and Architecture at Kent Institute and Sandy Moffat , an artists who studied at Edinburgh and now teaches at Glasgow School of Art .
24 If a Fanatic ends up in front of the unit ( and it probably will ) this effectively pins the unit in place and stops it moving .
25 the the reason it 's on the diagram it it simply reflects the fact in fact w w w we were overtaken almost by events in terms of the structure plan policy in that the County Council had move on to t had undertaken public consultation , and it had determined a preferred route .
26 BEATING Antrim in the championship two seasons ago remains the highpoint in Collie Curran 's colourful footballing career .
27 Douglas Hurd , writing in The Guardian ( January 24 , 1991 ) cheerfully admits the interest in oil .
28 Secondly , if X discloses information in confidence to Y and Y then discloses the information in confidence to Z ( but does not tell Z that he has obtained the information from X ) then X will be able to proceed directly against Z if Z disregards the obligation of confidence ( see Saltman Engineering Co v Campbell Engineering Co [ 1963 ] 65 RPC 203 ) .
29 ( 4.1 ) unc Otherwise it runs its first argument until that terminates and then runs the rest in sequence .
30 Ruth will have told you — he mostly spends the day in bed , but as this is such a special occasion … . ’
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