Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The proportion of urban dwellers has changed little during the present century , though in reality over 90 per cent of the population now effectively lives an urban form of existence .
2 Bore-hole water rarely contains a large quantity of suspended solids , but , if it contains iron or manganese in solution , the removal of these entails the production of a precipitate that has to be removed by methods similar to those given above .
3 Such activity eventually causes an electrical breakdown of their membranes and this is called ‘ cell fusion ’ .
4 This not only involves a mutual understanding of the common-sense notions in everyday life about what counts as an excuse , it requires that constables put themselves in the position of the offender to test whether they would have done the same .
5 This suggests that the quality of interhemispheric control merely represents a particular style of cerebral organisation which can certainly become a potential biological vehicle for psychotic disorder but which , in favourable circumstances , constitutes a brain mechanism responsible for the flexibility of thought found in some creative people .
6 Ethnography necessarily involves a narrow view of the group or institution studied , since the researcher can not , by definition , study the wider context within which the research setting is located .
7 The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options .
8 It suggests that translating between languages with different priorities and different types of syntactic restrictions necessarily involves a great deal of skewing of patterns of information flow .
9 For though Burbank 's fall , that mere matter of crossing ‘ a little bridge ’ to a ‘ small hotel ’ ( my italics ) is a shrunken affair , lacking the panoramic mythological grandeur of the Shakespearian Antony 's , it none the less offers a stripped-down representation of that event .
10 If this were so , we could argue that the poem only represents a temporary loss of faith , instead of the turning-point in Wordsworth 's career .
11 Mercury currently only offers a single level of service termed ‘ primary rate ’ .
12 Anomie only offers a plausible account of deviant motivation if the cultural goal of success is as unidimensional as Merton suggests and if the pursuit of this goal is prevalent amongst those with blocked legitimate opportunities .
13 Reynolds 's Newspaper viewed ‘ all the fuss and bother ’ as ‘ a mere club-house panic ’ , for example , while The Daily News repeatedly warned of the way in which ‘ a social panic naturally produces a great deal of wild excited talk ’ , believing that ‘ the enormous crop of exaggerated and fictitious stories ’ was ‘ furnishing food for farce writers and arrangers of pantomimes ’ :
14 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
15 One candidate , for example , apparently has a full knowledge of the topic but fails the examination .
16 Volcanic clusters occur both on continental and oceanic lithosphere , and are particularly common on the African Plate which apparently has a high concentration of hot spots ( see Section 4.2.1 ) .
17 Where written pupil work is produced , it obviously contains a great deal of information ; something can be learnt about the general stage of understanding of the class by looking through such work after the lesson , while more is revealed if it is possible to discuss it with the pupil concerned .
18 But that only adds a new dimension of urgency to the business .
19 They have become impotent — a fact which naturally causes a great deal of anxiety to them and to their wives .
20 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
21 George Mayo is sixty two , but only has a mental age of six .
22 Powell only has a remote chance of playing , for Reilly 's squad has retained its shape and strength .
23 And to do this at all one obviously needs a general account of the relation between them .
24 Although it only contains a small number of members , we have here a distinct and interesting adjective type , which among other things strikingly illustrates the unconscious linguistic skill of ordinary speakers ( see also Appendix B Section 5 ) .
25 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
26 The most informative is undoubtedly that caused by Gundovald 's claim to the throne , since Gregory of Tours not only allocates a considerable amount of space to the rebellion itself , but also provides evidence in the ensuing books of the Histories which illuminates the nature of the " pretender's ' following .
27 The Crown say that section 15 merely describes a particular type of theft and that all stealing by means of deception can be prosecuted under section 1 just as well as under section 15 .
28 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
29 And such self-knowledge apparently breeds an admirable philosophy of stoicism and passivity in the poor who , according to Woolf-Murray , ‘ carried their burdens without complaint because they were theirs and that was all ’ .
30 In section 8.2 it was pointed out how for a simple single-section L-R or C-R filter comprising just one reactive component only reaches a maximum rate of fall-off outside the pass band of 20 dB per decade of frequency compared with an infinite rate of fall-off for an ideal filter .
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