Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [art] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the new system to be introduced properly involves a change of constitution and a further vote .
2 Patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin have a mean life expectancy of only four months so most diagnostic methods occupy a large proportion of the patient 's remaining life and identification of the primary site only rarely influences the choice of treatment .
3 This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates in the sterling money markets and thereby influences the level of interest rates in those markets .
4 This opens the way for staff to use their ‘ professional skills ’ to implement their own ideas rather than those of the users , which effectively renders the notion of user participation meaningless ( Carr , 1987 , personal communication ; Jewell , 1975 ) .
5 The fact that this is indeed found to be the case powerfully corroborates the theory of development being advanced in these pages and demonstrates that the apparent absence of the latency phenomenon as we know it among primitive people like the Australian aborigines is no proof of the falsity of the idea of latency as such .
6 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
7 There should therefore be a significant and fluctuating gravitational red shift of the pulsar period P : which numerically has an amplitude of order .
8 ( 4 ) Where the seller expressly reserves the right of resale in case the buyer should make default , and on the buyer making default , re-sells the goods , the original contract of sale is rescinded , but without prejudice to any claim the seller may have for damages . ’
9 Gramsci argued that a proletarian movement which successfully challenges the domination of capital must not concentrate attention solely on economic or political organization .
10 NGF is normally taken up at nerve terminals and transported along the nerve fibres to the cell body , where it presumably regulates the amount of peptide .
11 Both these positions entail a great deal of risk ; going long produces the possibility of capital losses on the shares held , going short produces the possibility that the jobber may have to buy in the shares at a future date at expensive prices .
12 In other words , the cereal-packet image not only neglects the diversity of family forms at any one time , it also obscures the changes that all families go through .
13 The nature of the rural landscape is , of course , inextricably linked to the variety of wildlife species which it supports and the removal of traditional landscape features — hedgerows , trees , ponds , marshes , even permanent pasture — necessarily involves the destruction of wildlife habitats .
14 Furthermore , the public control of land use necessarily involves the shifting of land values from certain pieces of land to other pieces : the value of some lands is decreased , while that of other land is increased .
15 Failure to do so constitutes an invasion of personality which the state is not entitled to commit if its claim to respect individual rights is to be taken seriously .
16 This type of clause usually only grants the right of suspension , as opposed to termination , where the seller can not deliver because of force majeure .
17 Its international stature alone guarantees the attraction of custom , particularly from traders involved in export/import finance deals which small domestically-orientated banks might find difficult to cope with on their own .
18 The Labour party rightly emphasises the importance of training , but it has not made any financial commitment to it or identified any sort of financial commitment to the training programme .
19 Otherwise television merely reinforces a point of view already strong among farm workers — that there is a wide and unbridgeable gulf between people who live in the countryside and those who live in towns .
20 The example below reserves an area of memory 100 bytes long and sets P% to the first byte of the reserved area .
21 Unfortunately , in cases like this , God alone has the power of healing .
22 The Queen obviously has a sense of humour , as was evident from her hamming it up for the cameras .
23 This man Gennaro obviously has a lot of influence even among the less desirable characters in this city , or at least in this part of it .
24 Just as the present way of teaching Physical Education has changed , so has the teaching of Art .
25 Its waste production probably is no greater than that of other extractive industries , but as its production has increased so has the amount of waste .
26 The Schools Council has now been abolished , and so has the Association of Education Committees .
27 As 9 is one that obviously needs a lot of work and a lot of thought on it .
28 It merely articulates the principle of identity embodied in the concept of a topic of discourse , and any attempt to prove ( or disprove , for that matter ) the identity of a topic talked about on two separate occasions already presupposes the validity of this principle .
29 ‘ Delay greatly complicates the gathering of evidence , ’ said Golding .
30 This shuffling around of genes greatly complicates the analysis of evolution .
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