Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The expectation at an early age that career aspirations can not be met locally contributes to a lack of commitment to the home area and to the acceptance of out-migration as the inevitable solution .
2 Now is it not they 'll ask you , reasonable to recycle some of those savings and surely regain the into the provision of those ten fire officers that the service so badly needs for a number of years now the Fire Inspector 's report has identified the confidence levels as we in our service .
3 ‘ Stable and fruitful societies have always been elaborately graded ’ , he wrote , and the mistake of apartheid was to make a single decisive distinction on one ground — skin-colour — and then to elevate into a rigid legal system what rightly belongs to a world of personal inclination .
4 He has shown that a black hole of mass M radiates like a black body at a temperature which only differs by a factor of 4π from the temperature deduced above .
5 ‘ Well , fifty 's gone already in backhanders to a couple of the girls at Central Records .
6 The argument only turns into an argument about understanding if we take a special view about understanding , as mentioned earlier .
7 Effective rule of any kingdom necessarily depends on an understanding of its particular characteristics .
8 It only occurs as a result of the incorporation of these societies into capitalist systems .
9 A clear /l/ is the more liquid sounding allophone of /l/ , which only occurs before a vowel in English and has no velarisation .
10 How quickly ‘ the ’ issues will be raised obviously depends on a number of factors — the difficulty of the issue , the ability of the counsellees to express their ideas , and the quality of the counselling relationship .
11 However , it is important to emphasize this step in the process because failure to do so results in a concept of assessment which is limited to a relatively unskilled , technical task of data collection .
12 Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness , which naturally results in a drop in weight .
13 This last might seem to be an asset if you are trying to lose weight , but in actual fact it merely acts as a mask to the body 's natural craving for food .
14 The Bank of England merely acts as a bank in terms of these accounts , with the government making the decisions as to the level of public deposits .
15 Consequently , a sea waybill that meets the requirements of a straight bill of lading under United States law not only acts as a receipt of goods but also as a transferable document of title .
16 But the caveat that was applied to affection applies even more strongly to status : it only acts as a constraint in settings where criminal activity is generally unfavourably evaluated .
17 In the meditation it is given in Latin , the Middle English version from the Primer is : This tone of penitent confidence in the grace made available through Christ dominates the longer meditation which sustains a formal devotional element that constantly acts as a buffer between the meditator and the subject of his meditation .
18 In the evening he takes classes for the village children and perhaps acts as a model for their future .
19 This facet of conversational discourse quite naturally leads to a consideration of the individual speaker 's topics within what we have been discussing as the conversational topic .
20 This naturally leads to a lessening of tension in the body .
21 Immunological memory therefore apparently resides in a population with a more rapid rate of division .
22 Where the seller is successful in adding his additional clause , the guarantee obviously acts as an exclusion of liability .
23 History , far from constituting a privileged form of ( historical ) knowledge , is simply the myth of modern man , and merely amounts to a method of analysis .
24 If your leg suddenly suffers from a bout of cramp , do n't panic .
25 Whether we have in mind the student teacher , or the art student in the studio , or the student nurse , practical experience necessarily calls for a degree of personal involvement by the student and to that extent it is desirable .
26 The area of mixed and broadleaved woodland remained roughly the same , but much suffers from a lack of appropriate management and over-grazing .
27 In this he perhaps sounds like a member of a Leavisite ‘ reverent-openness-before-life ’ school , but his concept of ostranenie already has a certain edge through being defined in opposition to the habitual .
28 The real wage rate obviously rises as a result of an expansion of output over this range .
29 A constant or direct component a only appears in a representation of a periodic wave if the positive and negative excursions are unbalanced so that the mean is nonzero .
30 It is the biggest manufacturer of mechanical engineering products in the EC with 44% of the total output — a disproportionate share as Germany only accounts for a quarter of total EC output .
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