Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [pron] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Too rarely has it involved the specialist in the secondary school in regular discussion with primary colleagues .
2 How long has he owned the tea shop ?
3 But his happy demeanour is n't likely to last , because not only has he got the move to a new premises in Nantes to handle , along with the updating of the 300 coupe and convertibles he 'll build next year to use Renault 's up-and-coming 24-valve V6 , he 's also got the De la Chapelle Parcours in his hands .
4 A former commander of the SAS — which would be thrust into the front line in the event of a terrorist attack — said : ‘ Not only has he put the security of our royal family at risk , he has jeopardised the lives of Special Air Service regiment troops . ’
5 I particularly liked the detachable remote control unit which not only allows you to operate the shutter but also the zoom .
6 Reason tells him he is mad to want to continue farming , but the desire to do so leads him to rationalise the decision as best he can .
7 The idea is that one does not really accept a universal rule unless an imaginative attempt to put oneself in the place of everyone affected still leaves one happy with it , for only so does one accept the prescription that the action should be done in that case in which it would be oneself rather than the other who was in such a place .
8 Not only does he collect the ball well when under attack , he also distributes it magnificently on occasions , picking out midfielders with great accuracy , sometimes over 20–30 yards .
9 For not only does he emphasize the continuity of his poetic development but he also introduces echoes and half-parodic reminiscences of the English and European literary inheritance of which he was a beneficiary .
10 The time of high and low water is one of the most important things you should know , since not only does it affect the direction of any dangerous currents but also how flat the water will be .
11 Not only does it avoid the need for each service to ‘ re-invent the wheel ’ by working in isolation , it also forges closer links — invaluable at a time when the world is becoming smaller and ‘ international standards ’ loom .
12 Not only does it offer the opportunity for forging strong links and friendships between schools in Northern Ireland but it also allows them to learn about a very different social and cultural environment in Japan , ’ said Mr Hanley .
13 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
14 This technique is significant for two reasons — not only does it aid the process of word sense disambiguation , it also provides a method whereby the topic of the text can be identified .
15 The Pazyryk ( or Altai ) carpet , as it is known , is of crucial importance ; not only does it confirm the existence of highly sophisticated hand-knotted rugs during the first millennium BC , it also strengthens the belief that rug-making was widespread through the Middle East and Central Asia , because the design is an almost exact replica of one found on a paving slab in the Assyrian royal palace at Nineveh , nearly three thousand miles away .
16 Not only does it discredit the emphasis on ‘ partnership ’ between Central Government and the faith communities which has been highlighted by the recent establishment of the Inner Cities Religious Council ( and re-emphasised at the meetings which you attended in Bradford on May 21st and Kirklees on October 27th ) but it also means that church and other faith communities will be less likely to play their full part in the implementation of other aspects of Government policy such as the forthcoming Community Care changes which will require the use of local premises , volunteers etc .
17 Tests of the drug ivermectin in Liberia have shown that not only does it stop the progress of the disease in infected individuals , it also reduces its rate of transmission .
18 This simply creates a further imbalance because not only does it increase the calcium level ( which we need ) , but it further increases the phosphorous level as well ( which we do n't want ) .
19 Not only does it constitute the object of its own criticism , it also contains a number of theories of this criticism , and in a recursive move that can truly be termed deconstructive , it presents criticism of these theories and it narrativizes this criticism .
20 Much more importantly , not only does it preserve the integrity of the people of Highfields but I guess in many ways it preserves the integrity of both the parties concerned while moving and supporting this particular amendment .
21 Not only does it demonstrate the work process but also the mood and emotion of the dancer .
22 Not only does it help the condition of the skin itself by removing the build-up of dead skin cells on the surface , it stimulates lymphatic drainage and the elimination of as much as one-third of body wastes .
23 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
24 The picture above shows her cutting the cake with three of her ‘ 21 years old ’ class members .
25 She just feels she wanted the time to do it in her time .
26 This jockeying for the truth may be fine for doctors engaged in expensive research , but where exactly does it leave the rest of us , constantly struggling to keep up with the latest medical thinking and changing our diets accordingly .
27 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
28 A comparison of the theoretical and experimental values of lattice enthalpies thus enables us to assess the degree of ionic character of a compound .
29 It just makes him want the ball even more . ’
30 Never once does one hear the Opposition say that , since 1981 , manufacturing output is up 25 per cent. , manufacturing investment is up by 33 per cent. , and manufacturing production is up by more than 50 per cent .
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