Example sentences of "[adv] [be] make [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Draw up a timetable — some recipes can be cooked and frozen weeks in advance while others can be prepared a day beforehand ; some dishes can only be made on the day .
2 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
3 Prior to there being a detailed component to carry the specific attribute , the relationship can only be made to the assembly space .
4 Such an application can only be made with the leave of the court , and the court may only grant leave if it is satisfied , inter alia , that ‘ there is reasonable cause to believe that if the court 's inherent jurisdiction is not exercised with respect to the child he is likely to suffer significant harm : ’ see section 100(3) and ( 4 ) ( b ) .
5 A family assistance order can only be made with the consent of the adults concerned .
6 While it appears that the application to the Parole Board can only be made by the Secretary of State , he has no power to release a prisoner on licence until he receives the board 's recommendation to do so .
7 A further point was taken by Mr. Scrivener that the decisions referred to in the subsection can only be made by the Secretary of State personally and that he may not delegate or transfer the power to make the decision to a minister of state , as happened in the case of Mr. Pegg .
8 For many years champagne — which can only be made in the Champagne region , north east of Paris — has been regarded as the ‘ real thing ’ , and other sparkling wines as poor relations .
9 The Revenue stated that a decision on this issue could only be made in the light of all the facts of a particular case .
10 Decisions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of different behaviours can only be made within the context of particular situations and specific objectives .
11 It appears that the application need not necessarily be made to the judge or district judge by whom the judgment or order was made ( cf Ord 37 , r 1(2) ) .
12 However , if the expatriate rents a furnished property and wishes to ship over certain items of furniture , such as a favourite dining table , arrangements may generally be made with the landlord so that any unwanted items of furniture are stored during the expatriate 's residence .
13 If the motor cycle belongs to someone else or is the subject of a hire purchase or leasing agreement , payment for the total loss or destruction of the motor cycle will normally be made to the motor cycles legal owner .
14 This appointment will normally be made by the debentureholder under an express or implied power in the debenture , or by the court .
15 Unfortunately some measurements could not be made at the time of the growth room trials , owing to maintenance work .
16 The choice will depend on the sale strategy ; however , if it is decided to set out the detailed procedures in the covering letter it is normal to include brief details in the information memorandum such as dates , KPMG contact staff , and a statement that direct contact should not be made with the management or staff of the business .
17 Although differential diagnoses can not be made on the evidence of a postal survey alone , an attempt was made to identify factors that aid diagnosis .
18 The task was to repeat the words " double , double , double " over and over again , and it was used on the assumption that , while vocalising , judgements about words would not be made on the basis of their phonological codes .
19 The differentiation between patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and those with omeprazole treatment for reflux oesophagitis can not be made on the basis of the pepsinogen A:C ratio , although a low ratio may suggest treatment with omeprazole and a pepsinogen A:C ratio greater than 4.7 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome .
20 Although changes in global policy can not be made on the basis of the present study alone , the results suggest that a supplemental dose of IPV or OPV administered at the time of measles vaccination might increase a population 's immunity against poliovirus types 1 and 3 .
21 What environmentalists are saying is that change should not be made for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of many .
22 Yet David Carlton feels that too much should not be made of the gathering of opposition to Chamberlain 's National government policy of appeasement .
23 Should it be desired to alter this state of affairs , there would be many who would assert that the change could not be made without the consent of the part of the United Kingdom affected , however it were to be expressed .
24 ( 2 ) A partial offer may not be made without the consent of the Panel , although this will usually be forthcoming where the offer is for less than 30 per cent of the company 's voting rights .
25 The closing date for entry is Thursday 28th February but the draw will not be made until the day after the team itself is selected on 26 August .
26 Extrapolations for drug costs can not be made from the prescribing unit because of the age and sex related differences in costs per item that we have shown .
27 protests can not be made by the contestant involved .
28 ‘ For the purposes of this section a threat can not be made by the use of words alone . ’
29 The sad decision to close down the creamery in Hawes means that you will not be made in the dale from now on .
30 Thus the order can not be made in the case of a contract for the sale of unascertained goods which have not been appropriated to the contract — Re Wait ( see paragraph 3–04 above ) .
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