Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As in the previous areas discussed , objects may not merely be used to refer to a given social group , but may themselves be constitutive of a certain social relation .
2 The money supply , measured by a broad definition , should only be allowed to increase at a stable and gradual rate , in line with the growth of the economy 's productive capacity .
3 This should not only be expected to happen as a natural consequence of ‘ the Church 's active , sympathetic presence within the world of communications ’ ( ibid. ) , but also as the result of a precise commitment on the part of communicators .
4 Lady Merchiston 's situation , Theda recognised , was symptomatic of the whole , and she could appreciate that the Diggorys could scarcely be expected to cope with a task that would baffle an army of servants .
5 Suppliers extending credit to the company expect to see a substantial buffer of current assets to protect their claims and the ratio should not normally be allowed to fall below a given point .
6 Suppliers extending credit to the company expect to see a substantial buffer of current assets to protect their claims and the ratio should not normally be allowed to fall below a given point .
7 If the court decided at this stage that the case did not in fact involve the performance of a public function , the case should normally be allowed to continue as a non-Ord. 53 case if the applicant wished .
8 As a fixed term appointee you will be non-mobile and not normally be expected to transfer to a post outside reasonable daily travelling distance of your home .
9 An orang , ready for release in the forest , is carried 15 miles ( 24 km ) away from the Bohorok centre so that it will not be tempted to return for a daily free meal .
10 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
11 Pensioners who have given a lifetime 's service to the nation should not be asked to pay for a T V licence , and those out of work through no fault of their own , except for a government policy .
12 If God intended that parents should not be permitted to come between a husband and a wife , then surely football pals or the darts team , the sports club , or any other activity should not be allowed to be an obstacle to this new relationship .
13 Nursing care is individual to each patient , as the patient should not be expected to conform to a set pattern of treatment .
14 Such a fluid working arrangement can not be expected to work in a larger industrial firm .
15 No councillor can insist on serving on any particular committee , but equally he can not be compelled to serve on a committee against his wish .
16 Even advocates of the doctrine acknowledge that it must be exercised within defined limits , and not be allowed to serve as a facade for the furtherance of the intervening State 's own ends .
17 But Angela , of Morriston , Swansea , said : ‘ This sort of thing should not be allowed to happen in a modern hospital .
18 It seems likely that a similar decline will not be allowed to occur in a period of world food shortages , and continued changes along the present lines can be expected .
19 Later it was even specified that should there be for any reason no foreskin to sever , blood must still be made to flow for a rite to be effected and for the individual to enter the covenant .
20 He conceded that the mind can not directly be forced to assent to a proposition , but held that penal laws can break the weight of intellectual prepossession .
21 In practice , more than this minimum is likely to be required for entry to the majority of the courses offered by the University , in order to ensure that those admitted to degree courses possess a sufficiently broad educational background and that they may reasonably be expected to benefit from a university education .
22 The character and value of the property , the suitable and natural mode of using it , the course of conduct which the proprietor might reasonably be expected to follow with a due regard to his own interests — all these things , greatly varying as they must , under various conditions , are to be taken into account in determining the sufficiency of possession . "
23 I would also be invited to participate in a discussion on the bountiful attractions of timeshare property ownership .
24 The existing equity holders may also be asked to participate in a further round of equity raising , for around 10 per cent of the total .
25 Moreover , a cash supplement to income would also be expected to lead to a fall in work effort .
26 Auditors should also be required to report to a wider interest group than just the shareholders .
27 Troubled Telecom Eireann has abandoned a plan to build a new headquarters in Ballsbridge , Dublin , and the decision may cost the company more than £6m ; it bought the site for £9.4m in 1990 , but it is now worth only around £5m ; the company may also be required to pay for a government investigation into the purchase , which is also under scrutiny from the Fraud Office .
28 Search can also be used to search for a single word or a string of words and letters .
29 The surface of the tablet can also be programmed to act as a menu that selects standard options from the program so that the keyboard need only be used for selecting major functions or entering text .
30 The winner will automatically be booked to appear on a paid basis at a later Gong Show and as a support to one of the visiting star acts .
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