Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [verb] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
2 This is not to deny the significance of the creative individual , but his or her efforts at innovation can only be really sustained when they take root in and pervade the school as a whole .
3 ‘ I shall not only be deeply wounded if you spurn my offerings , I sha n't know what to do with the things .
4 Note that modules can only be hard copied if they are online and can not be nominated for hard copy individually .
5 Some will be recognized as being of architectural and historic value , but there are others of more modest appearance which would nevertheless be sorely missed if they disappeared .
6 Modern technologies can not be successfully used if they are simply imposed on an unwilling and underskilled workforce .
7 However the time taken to re-charge the capacitor is proportional to the charging time constant , so if a high resistance is used the capacitor may not be completely charged when its stored energy is next required .
8 The original environment of human evolutionary adaptedness can not be clearly defined because our evolution has been such an extraordinary progression of expansive diversifications in adapting to an immense range of environments .
9 Assessments of the current situation in the Soviet Union have meaning in Nizan 's eyes only in the context of this material progress : " Soviet achievements can not be properly evaluated unless they are linked historically to the effort which produced them " he stresses .
10 Some people think that the law of judicial review can not be properly understood unless it is studied against the background of a particular area of governmental activity such as housing or immigration , in order to see how the general rules are use to deal with particular problems .
11 However , this concern may not be wholly justified as he has been an active member of the CNAA and is known to be a keen supporter of public sector provision and an advocate of breaking down the barriers between the two sectors of higher education .
12 They should not be officially released until they are in their final form .
13 They should not be officially released until they are in their final form .
14 Not really , because ( 1 ) as current flows there is some potential drop in the electrode itself , ( 2 ) zero conductivity for part of the space can not be electrostatically modelled since there are no dielectrics with Er = 0 , and ( 3 ) when current flows through two materials of different conductivity there is generally a surface charge at the boundary ( see Example 3.4 ) .
15 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
16 b , Transactivation by VP16-Myc N and Max103-VP16 together with Max or Myc N. VP16-Myc N and Max103-VP16 activities can not be directly compared as their relative expression levels are unknown and VP16-Myc N+Max is antagonized by Max+Max in cells ( see text ) .
17 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
18 But the disorders can not be fully understood unless they are seen in the context of complex political , social and economic factors which together create a predisposition towards violent protest ’ ( para. 8.7 ) .
19 They therefore can not be fully understood if they are taken at face value , and an investigator must find out what social situations sustain and are reflected in them .
20 Please remember that even a Listed or 1 Crown place , or 1 Key holiday home , can still be Highly Commended if what it provides is to an exceptionally high standard .
21 It is reported that the Seiko wordlist , for example , can always be easily identified because it accepts M-O-W-S-E as a correct spelling of the word ‘ mouse ’ !
22 This should always be double checked when you issue the first invoice to a new customer .
23 A battery 's charge-holding capacity can also be seriously reduced if it is kept in a discharged state for more than a few hours .
24 The articulatory loop should also be seldom used since it would slow down processing of a message whose speed is beyond the control of the interpreter .
25 Your pension will automatically be permanently increased if you were getting invalidity allowance with invalidity benefit within eight weeks before reaching retirement age .
26 Escort Revisited Can it really be as duff as we said it was ? 64
27 Others continued to argue , as they had done before , and as they do today , that the indigent could never be adequately housed because they did not know how to live with cleanliness and decency .
28 It looks as if a false belief could never be indefeasibly justified since there would always be some truth ( even if only the negation of the false belief ) whose addition would destroy the justification .
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