Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For , as has been suggested in the texts reviewed , the old paradigms may merely be replaced by a new form of determinism , this time based on space .
2 This effect can not merely be explained by a conceivable depletion of TBP , because transcription of the classical pol III genes requires only a very low amount of TBP ( 6 ; and our own unpublished results ) , the presence of which could be verified by western-blot analysis of hTFIIIB and hTFIIIC containing fractions used for the assay ( our unpublished results ) .
3 ‘ Its success can only be ensured by a maximum effort from all those willing and able to work to that end .
4 The high prices for such things could only be explained by a separate blurb which claimed meat from ‘ English rare breeds ’ and a lot of stuff about natural rearing and hand finishing ( a bonus , I pointed out to my guest , a Texan with special interests in T.S .
5 The repeated blindnesses of critics can only be explained by a deep dissatisfaction in them with the very data of ‘ fairy-story ’ , an inhibition against accepting the conventions of romance .
6 There is one area in which costing systems can do no more than provide the raw data , and that is in the treatment of overruns , variations and claims , which can often only be quantified by a detailed interpretation of the data recorded in the system .
7 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
8 This can only be defined by a large claw-like grasp on his left forearm , which could be identified as a tentacle of the Hydra .
9 It can only be altered by a separate legal document called a ‘ codicil ’ .
10 But although it is such a widespread condition , endometriosis is often overlooked because it can only be diagnosed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy ( the insertion of an illuminated instrument through a small incision in the abdomen ) and many suffers do have problems getting their GPs to refer them to a specialist who can do the these for them .
11 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
12 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
13 If these currents are confined , at every point along the beach the addition of more and more water could only be handled by a continuous acceleration of the current , which does not occur .
14 Application may only be made by a foreign lawyer , i.e. a person who is not an English ( or Welsh ) solicitor or barrister but who is a member , and entitled to practise as such , of a legal profession regulated within a jurisdiction outside England and Wales .
15 Summing up his goodwill mission , Benavides said that the sharp differences between the two sides would only be overcome by a political decision made at highest level .
16 The struggle to end capitalist wage labour can not be helped by women opting out and can only be undertaken by a working class that is less divided by male domination than the present one .
17 Of course , full justice to a steamed pudding can only be done by a true trencherman .
18 The latter urged far-reaching reforms that could only be implemented by a revolutionary dictatorship , which would need to realign itself internationally in order to secure protection against the United States .
19 The economic causes of the war constituted but one dimension of a process which can only be grasped by a multi-causal approach .
20 However , there are often delaying factors that can only be substantiated by a thorough analysis of the records referred to in Table 7.2 .
21 There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance , and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism .
22 Coronation became important in the acceptance of an emperor or a king and coronation or , more importantly , the prior consecration could only be performed by a high ecclesiastic , the pope or certain specified archbishops .
23 She distinguishes between those models that treat hemisphere specialisation as absolute , according to which a given function can only be performed by a particular hemisphere , and those that regard specialisation as relative .
24 Any condition that a board may seek to attach to a licence can only be attached by a valid bye-law : Allied Breweries ( U.K. ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1985 S.L.T. 302.5.140(6) provides that bye-laws made under the 1959 Act continue in force .
25 The difficulty in extending trover to cases covered by detinue was that conversion could only be committed by a positive act — misfeasance as opposed to nonfeasance .
26 Library use is never evenly distributed throughout the stock , and it is accepted that some stock categories will only be used by a small number of readers .
27 The powers of the Non-Executive Committee can only be varied by a special resolution of the Company in general meeting .
28 Having work at an appropriate height in relation to distance from the eye makes a real difference to avoiding unnecessary fatigue , and this can only be effected by a comfortable working position .
29 The ebullience with which Nizan highlighted the disenchantment of Hitler 's own petty bourgeois supporters confronted by impending economic ruin , the logical outcome of a Nazi political dictatorship , was tempered only by an awareness that such economic ruin might ultimately only be avoided by a massive rearmament programme and a policy of fascist colonial expansion that would seriously undermine international security .
30 Of course , this can only be verified by a complete inventory , but the important point is that the sampling methods used , and the way in which the results were extrapolated to apply to the whole collection , are based on a sound mathematical theory which is widely used and tested in other fields , and therefore carried sufficient weight to satisfy the Museum and its auditors .
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