Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [conj] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
2 Government grants to farmers to minimize pollution should only be made where such waste management strategies were in place , the NRA argues .
3 It was always our contention that justice should not only be done but that justice should be seen to be done by the due process of the public inquiry .
4 Liability could only be incurred if this failure amounted to a breach of an international obligation , or , to put it another way , if there was a duty on the member States to ensure adequate supervision of the organisation they had created .
5 The cashier holds the other key and the safe deposit box can only be opened if both locks are operated at the same time .
6 On this basis , knowledge of God could only be established if either God himself were immediately accessible to our awareness , or ‘ God ’ were a category demonstrably necessary , like those of space and time , to the ordering and shaping of our understanding .
7 I suspect that the proposition that broadly the price of housing will rise at least as fast as inflation could only be falsified if some pestilence almost on the scale of the black death were to occur so that supply vastly exceeded demand or significantly exceeded demand .
8 Even in such cases references in court to Parliamentary material should only be permitted where such material clearly discloses the mischief aimed at or the legislative intention lying behind the ambiguous or obscure words .
9 Night work for women could , however , only be introduced if both employers ' and employees ' representatives for the relevant industry in a given country reached agreement on conditions .
10 Today , in light of the obligations of Article 102 of the United Nations Charter , it could perhaps be argued that each member State has constructive notice of the treaty obligations of all other members and therefore must be deemed to have notice of any restrictions upon treaty-making power .
11 It may perhaps be questioned whether such restrictions were necessary , since a procession is capable of causing disruption whatever the purpose of those organising it may happen to be .
12 It should thus be said that any incident which involves , either directly or indirectly , Hamlet himself , is connected with ‘ the main purpose of the play ’ .
13 It can thus be seen that this transformation with may be used to change the profile of the approaching waves .
14 It can scarcely be claimed that these questions have yet been answered in such a manner as to transform Marx 's very general model into a systematic and well-supported theory of historical development .
15 Most builders use a simple cost system for job costing ( specific order costing ) and the stores department may well just be treated as another job or cost centre with monthly costing which is balanced and closed on an annual basis .
16 The importance of this can not be overstated if this flow of information is to continue .
17 The dead man and his colleagues would not be named until all families had been told , she added .
18 The announcement may contain a pre-condition to the posting of the formal offer document , in which case the offer document need not be posted until that condition is satisfied .
19 Even if the buyer relies on the seller 's skill or judgment , the implied condition can not be invoked where this reliance is unreasonable .
20 The aim of such a meeting would not be to see whether any staff members have particular responsibility for the event but to try to develop a shared understanding of why it occurred .
21 She was the first witness to some of the most distressing scenes between the Prince and Princess of Wales , and was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated when another newcomer joined the firm .
22 Unless you or your club subscribe to the amount required , it probably will not be raised , the defence for the Act will not be mounted and many miles of river will be lost .
23 In summary , whether or not Fama and Jensen 's reasoning is right , it can not be said that more minuses in table 3.1 mean worse performance .
24 Yet , while accepting that the working class was wedded to the Labour Party it should not be ignored that such support was also nurtured by a much improved Labour organization , despite Howard 's contrary view .
25 The importance of symptom control in this context can not be ignored since few adults would be prepared to tolerate long periods of disability from hearing loss , otalgia , or otitis media .
26 However , it can not be assumed that all managers will consider the role of personality when they make decisions .
27 Although owning a car is common today , it must not be assumed that all nurses can provide their own transport .
28 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
29 But it can not be assumed that these developments have in fact led to equality within the sexual sphere of marriage .
30 Most important , given that a rogue GMO in the environment might continue to reproduce and spread , it can not be assumed that any system of regulation can adequately guard against an environmental catastrophe .
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