Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of the clammy heat , shoppers began to hurry , but the rain which fell so readily when rainy days preceded it , now , after a fortnight 's drought , held off as if it could only be squeezed out as a result of some acute and agonising pressure .
2 Once it crosses the centre-line it can only be used immediately as a back fist .
3 DUP MP Peter Robinson said selective internment should only be brought in as a last resort .
4 Althusser thus suggests that history can only be thought through as a permanent contradiction : it is a totality , but that totality is a decentred structure in dominance in which each history 's history is defined not through its identity with , or difference from , a general history but by being differentiated from every other history , on which it is necessarily also therefore dependent , in a kind of negative totalization .
5 On the available evidence , the council 's policy after Edward 's death can best be summed up as a strenuous effort to preserve the balance of power established in the king 's second reign , and this was surely ( pace Mancini ) in response to the dead king 's own wishes .
6 On the available evidence , the council 's policy after Edward 's death can best be summed up as a strenuous effort to preserve the balance of power established in the king 's second reign , and this was surely ( pace Mancini ) in response to the dead king 's own wishes .
7 A leader may just be needed occasionally as a ‘ long stop ’ .
8 It should not be regarded simply as a means of preventing change ’ .
9 We can also see that Socrates himself can not be regarded merely as an agent of destruction , despite the immediate responsibility of the Socratic impulse for the dissolution of tragedy .
10 But whereas such poems are rare in earlier periods , in twelfth-century Europe they multiply so explosively that the phenomenon can not be explained merely as the reflection of a greater number of extant manuscripts .
11 The world has always looked to Britain for stability , inventiveness and general mental agility , yet our National Prestige is low , our currency is less than one third of its immediate post-war value against the dollar and can not be explained entirely as a result of market speculation .
12 Skocpol ( 1979 ) , in a study of three revolutions , concludes that although ‘ questions of state power have been basic in social-revolutionary transformations … state power can not be understood only as an instrument of class domination , nor can changes in state structure be explained primarily in terms of class conflicts ’ ( p. 284 ) ; while Hall ( 1985 ) , in contrasting agrarian civilizations with industrial societies is mainly concerned , as was Max Weber , with the ‘ rise of the West ’ as a modernizing , progressive force , and with its possible decline as industrialization spreads throughout the world .
13 The Revenue has also indicated that past years will not be re-examined solely as a result of the decision .
14 The main point which emerges from considering the historical evidence is that there certainly has been change in the amount and type of support offered , but that this can not be seen simply as a decline from a high to a low point .
15 What we shall see in the next two chapters is that this limitation in the Host 's response can not be seen simply as a caricaturing of the Host as an intellectually limited churl , or as an endorsement of the undoubtedly vital fabliau ethos .
16 The labour process , it is argued , can not be seen merely as an economic process attendant upon capitalist rationality and imposed on the workforce ; it is embedded in social and cultural practices , and without an understanding of this apparatus , particularly the meanings attached to work , it is difficult to account for the specific form of change , for the relationships between ‘ work ’ and ‘ leisure ’ , and for the significance of skill and social relations at the point of production .
17 Thus , ( 43 ) has the same ambiguity as ( 39 ) between predicate qualifier , giving the " cosmetic " version , and this new pattern of interpretation , which must correspond to the " unacquainted " meaning , and the distinction between the two senses of sentences like ( 39 ) should not be written off as a mere matter of " nuances of meaning " , but instead shows one sequence of surface syntax answering to two different intensional patterns .
18 The naming from the dock of John Cameron ( alias Sergeant Mor ) , a vindictive Jacobite soldier of fortune , can not be written off as an act of desperation by James Stewart , who was promptly marked out as accessory once the actual murder occurred in Appin .
19 However , it should not be viewed simply as a means to control powerful printers .
20 The fact that such roles are well established would seem to demonstrate that football fans such as ‘ Rowdies ’ can not be viewed simply as a bunch of disordered maniacs .
21 He supposed that Mr Cottle could not be ruled out as a suspect , but he hardly seemed a likely killer .
22 Therefore a carbonaceous asteroid , although unlikely , can not be ruled out as an explanation of the Tunguska event .
23 Finally , existence can not be treated simply as a property of concepts either .
24 As noted above , the welfare effects of price discrimination can be positive , and it should not be treated automatically as an abuse of a dominant position .
25 Thus , a simple linear record of his life and rule is impossible and can not be pinned down as a simplistic historical account .
26 Surely an aircraft bound on an important secret mission deep into enemy-held eastern France would not be used simply as a tug for a glider bound for a different , nearer destination — somewhere in Normandy , perhaps — when the lives of the highly-skilled parachute troops in that ‘ tug ’ , and the success of the ultimate S.A.S. operation itself , might be put in jeopardy .
27 Whereas the Z-Score approach provides an important input to the credit manager 's judgement , it should not be used simply as a tool for avoiding risky customers , but more creatively .
28 It should not , Mr Mayor , definitely not be used simply as an easy option for those who could manage quite happily to provide for themselves , either renting or buying in the private sector but instead choose to let the state provide .
29 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why silence could not be used extensively as a ploy to impose limitations on the research from below .
30 The aggregation can not be used sensibly as a predictor .
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