Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Too often , noise has meant a level plane of abraded texture , which can merely add up to a different kind of blandness , a sense-dulling consistency .
2 Even the Commission , with all its enthusiasm for EMU , could only come up with a potential saving of between 0.1% and 0.5% of the Community 's GDP , and even this did not take into account new costs of changing the ecu into other , non-EC currencies .
3 Mr McEd was acting pretty cagey about it for one thing and , when pressed , would only come up with the reassuring phrases : ‘ Every cloud has a silver lining Ed … ’ or ‘ Do n't worry son , you father 's not such an old fool as he looks …
4 Try to go to bed only when you 're tired but do not stay up past a certain critical time , say one hour after you would normally go to bed .
5 It will not make up for the insufficient level of public services that Cleveland has been given by BR . ’
6 Skilful dribbling is easy 'coz the ball 's glued to your foot , and you can soon zoom up towards the opposing goal .
7 Only they will probably both know that these must not include anything too worrying or controversial , which could create the type of tension and anxiety that can so easily build up in the elderly , particularly in the many who suffer from circulatory troubles , or who have a naturally anxious personality which has become even more vulnerable with age .
8 For the fox , use sand or a very light shade of tan ( not too dark or it will not show up on a dark background ) .
9 Remember that these are colour effects , and they will therefore not show up on a black and white viewfinder .
10 In any case , he added , people did not show up for the political meetings , only arriving in time for the drinking afterwards .
11 But , in fact , virtually no behavioural tendency which constitutes genuine action can just show up in a cultural context ‘ as itself ’ .
12 I was just beginning to get to grips with the Campaign for Ink Print Information , but Women 's Tapeover could not keep up with the steady stream of new feminist writing that was emerging week by week .
13 You will probably find that the sander will not work up to the very edge of the floor , so you will have to hire a smaller unit to finish off the job .
14 But she decided Daniel 's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment .
15 If you still can not reach up to the extreme end and determine that the burrow is now empty you must reintroduce your line ferret once more to do the job for you .
16 Japan may thus end up with a financial system that is caught halfway between freedom and regulation , and more dangerous than either .
17 But we we can not It seems to me we can not end up with a blank sheet of paper , and draw a set of criteria up which says it it can be anywhere here .
18 The two slower movements come off better , but even here the playing , thoughtful though it is , does not match up to the rapt quality which the finest artists achieve in this music , and the Scherzo surprisingly fails to take flight ( its Trio is plain dull ) .
19 Expatriates may feel that Britain has gone ‘ downhill ’ while they have been away and homecoming does not match up to the good life abroad .
20 Although the driver ant colony is an " animal " weighing in excess of 20 kg and possessing on the order of 20 million mouths and stings and is surely the most formidable creation of the insect world , it still does not match up to the lurid stories told about it .
21 She discovered that she was afraid of getting close , afraid of being betrayed , afraid of finding that a relationship did not solve all her problems , afraid of feeling trapped , afraid of ‘ disappearing ’ as a person , afraid of admitting that men were not all bad , afraid of losing her friends , afraid of having no more goals in life , afraid of giving up her unhappiness , afraid he might die , afraid of feeling dependent , afraid of sexual intimacy , afraid of letting go of the past , afraid that reality would not match up to the glorious fantasy … .
22 At tissue level , the end point of good healing is scar tissue , which does not match up to the original tissue lost in injury .
23 It is on this point that participant observation in practice very often does not match up to the ideal form and some consideration should be given to the situation arising .
24 I have been telling them about the different sensitivity which Asian women have to their babies and the fact that you ca n't just go up to an Asian woman with the diet leaflet and say you should be giving your baby Cod Liver Oil , because 90 per cent of Asians in Wandsworth are vegetarians .
25 Of course the answer is changing the myth would have made Moses Hebrew and not Egyptian , because if Moses had been the daughter of Pharaoh he would had to been Egyptian and that the Hebrews could n't tolerate because at a later stage their religion became strongly ethnic and racially divided , you really got to be born Jewish to be Jewish , so they could n't tolerate their , their founding fathers of not being anything but Jewish , so they altered it , they changed the records and they falsified the myth , but they left this glaring inconsistency in it , so the myth is no longer it 's er rewritten and this is one of the little bits of evidence and now of course erm if you do n't take psychoanalyst insights into the family romance seriously , that may not cut much ice for you , but if you erm appreciate the force of these unconscious stereotypes in creating this like this , it 's cert it 's a quite potent piece of evidence because you think well why should the , the Bible change the myth , why ca n't it just put up with the normal myth .
26 The difficult search for a replacement for Bean after his retirement did not come up with a suitable candidate ( see The Art Newspaper No.17 , April 1992 , p.5 ) .
27 What , if anything , should disconcert us if we can not come up with a trouble-free definition ?
28 There were , however , some cases in which the model did not come up with a valid parse , that is , a pattern that represents complete coverage of the input by a set of nonoverlapping words .
29 The table provided in the Library note projects that we shall not come up against the upper ceiling of the present capacity in either this or the next financial year .
30 I ’ ) — could not live up to the high expectations created by German propaganda .
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