Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] at the [noun sg] but " in BNC.

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1 We 're working at things which the players might not appreciate at the moment but they will in 10 years time when they look back on what they have achieved .
2 then the eyes would be something you 'd also confront at the beginning but they 're equally important for the fox actually walking are n't they ?
3 I do n't particularly look at the shed but there you are .
4 He did n't look at the boy but stared instead at a potted palm withering in its tub beside the grand piano on the rostrum .
5 I did n't look at the denomination but there was no doubt it would have been high .
6 In one he 's in a lift that does n't stop at the top but keeps going into a world of claustrophobia and vertigo .
7 I did n't twig at the time but really she just wanted to hang out in the shop and she was coming up with any old excuse she could find to be in there .
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