Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] at [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , because ‘ newly-born ’ micelles can only arise at the expense of the preexisting ones ( there is a finite amount of water in the system that must be shared between all the micelles ) , the average radius of the micelles decreases .
2 Their grants would be reinstated from that date and they will obviously graduate at the end of the appropriate term .
3 Anyone who doubts this need only glance at a profile of Peter Phillips , director of The Tallis Scholars , published in The New Yorker :
4 But did it necessarily grow at the expense of royal power ?
5 A person who fails to comply with this rule can only appear at the hearing with leave of the court ( r 6.23(4) ) .
6 Many growers , not only in Champagne but throughout France , still innocently cultivate Pinot Blanc Vrai believing it to be Chardonnay , although anyone with doubts need only look at the leaves on the vine .
7 Whereas-it was common in their own time for the Teddy Boys to be contrasted with a nostalgically remembered state of pre-existing harmony ‘ twenty years ago ’ or ‘ before the war ’ , given the real horror which greeted their arrival we can perhaps only marvel at the way in which the nostalgic trick of amnesia can now work in the Teds ' favour .
8 One can only marvel at the wisdom of the U.S. government in enabling the Freer to make itself over .
9 There were dark schemes afoot , he said — some with their roots going back for years — and if Hitler could achieve it , the replacement of King George by his brother could only occur at the cost of Winston 's life .
10 For one thing , we can only guess at the proportion of actual offences known to the police .
11 One can only guess at the reasons for such underreporting ; but it seems possible that exporters understate values in the hope of retaining part of the foreign exchange that they would otherwise be obliged to surrender to the authorities , while importers may wish to minimize their import duties ( and also avoid enquiries into the source of the foreign exchange used for imports ) .
12 The police can only guess at the scale of the problem , for stealing from gardens is not treated separately in station crime-books .
13 She confesses her team can only guess at the causes of the bird 's decline .
14 The history of my birth is unclear because NHS records have now been lost , so doctors in later years could only guess at the cause of my disability which became evident a few week after I was born .
15 Therefore , without looking to the policy of this agreement , I think it is void for want of consideration , and that the plaintiff can only recover at the rate of £5 a month .
16 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
17 Even if we were to include the value attributed to armaments in PP4 we would only arrive at a total of 21,019 .
18 Unlike so many hotel kitchens , which are completely enclosed , La Rive 's has the unusual feature of being surrounded by windows , with a door on to a magnificent herb garden , where guests can only go at the invitation of the chef .
19 This picture can only hint at the intricacy of the colourful markings .
20 This interpretation of the doctrine is silent on whether individual political action ( voting in elections etc. ) may rightly aim at the promotion of some conception of the good .
21 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
22 ‘ I better start at the beginning for lack of anywhere else , ’ Marek continued .
23 An audience can only sit at the front of the stage and the hall stretches back for miles .
24 One can only ponder at the ethics of an industry which for thirty years slaughtered dolphins in their millions for the sake of saving 2 cents per can , and then requires an ‘ epic ’ debate to change its source of supply .
25 A contract for the sale of unascertained goods may or may not be void because of the fact that certain goods have perished or do not exist at the time of the contract .
26 In this case , if it turns out that the goods do not exist at the time of the contract , the seller will be liable in damages to the buyer for breach of his contractual undertaking .
27 It had also led to the adoption of military influences in Bolshevik governmental organization and propaganda jargon which did not disappear at the end of the Civil War .
28 First they happen in June that 's that 's a good starter for one , and they 're really not that big a problem and I guess people in London would just laugh at the prospect of the noise which which May Balls cause and not worry about it in one way and would not have telephone calls to the local council and lots of stories in my newspaper every year .
29 They can no longer lend at a profit to well rated corporate borrowers .
30 The train did not slow at the scene of the accident .
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