Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] its [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly that Britain would never end immigration altogether ( even if it ended black immigration ) , because if it did so the economy might not survive its periodic labour shortages .
2 But a Conservative spokeswoman denied a Guardian claim that the party could not clear its estimated £14m deficit , and now faced bankruptcy .
3 As the natural brewing process has been halted , the beer can not generate its own carbon dioxide .
4 As the beer can not generate its own carbon dioxide it would be flat and lifeless so it is racked not into casks but into pressurised containers known as kegs .
5 Nigeria has just announced that it will not lift its generous petrol subsidy in June , as it had promised the IMF , out of fear that petrol riots would disrupt the presidential elections due to be held that month .
6 Every killer has its own special modus operandi — or MO , to use a police term — and it does not take kindly to being forced to attack in circumstances that do not favour its special hunting style .
7 Because New Jersey does not have its own television station , or even a state newspaper , the candidates have bought expensive air time on the New York City-based stations and in Mr Florio 's case , they seem to be working .
8 The ATB did not have its own instructor force but employed people who had the relevant skills and knowledge in the particular course subject .
9 In the example of the paperclip business the purchaser may already have its own metal foundry and surplus premises and will not wish to acquire the long term supply contracts or factory premises .
10 I am certain that British Rail will shortly publish its scheduled freight services from the nine terminals .
11 IBM should soon have its own 64-bit RISC architecture with the 620 PowerPC chip , Slack added .
12 Such excitements are rare ; The Hague has a few clubs and theatres and it will soon have its own ballet company , but for the most part the Hagenaars , as the residents are known , spend their evenings at home and retire at a respectable hour .
13 Scotch Whisky faces unfair trade barriers within the ‘ single market ’ , and will not realise its proper export potential while tax discrimination is allowed to persist .
14 Apple , however , had decided to reduce its reliance on external technologies and , after some considerable debate , decided not to continue with Adobe 's PostScript alone but to further develop its own system software so that it could better control both type and graphics .
15 Clearly , an object may always signify its own material possibilities and constraints and thereby the more general world of material practices .
16 This is the week for Bristol Technology Inc , Ridgefield , Connecticut , to formally unwrap its new-fangled Windows-to-Unix software Wind/U at the show .
17 He said that , in the face of an annual timber import bill of £7 million , Britain could still expand its own conifer plantations .
18 Amdahl hopes to eventually supplement its dwindling mainframe income with revenue from these Sparc-based machines , expected to ship at the end of 1993 .
19 The company will also enhance its Nomadic Computing Environment and develop multimedia applications for the SPARCbook .
20 Apple Computer Inc 's second batch of Newtons will be notebook-sized versions of the device which it expects to ship at about the same time as the small first model , according to MacWeek : the notebook will have a landscape-mode screen with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels ; the notepad , in contrast , has a small portrait-mode screen ; Apple will also deliver its first PCMCIA slot in the Newton this summer , but a slot for the PowerBook laptops may be further away .
21 There is the concern about how the school can both maintain its own curriculum priorities and meet statutory requirements .
22 The third , which is most likely to be important in long-distance homing , is that the animal has an internal ‘ map ’ sense , and can both estimate its own map reference , and knows that of the home site .
23 Norton can also tag its own help files onto the DOS 5 help system .
24 Microsoft also now plans a new version of MS-DOS for early next year that will lack most of the features that had been expected in the MS-DOS 6.0 release , such as multi-tasking , and the company will now offer its object-oriented Cairo environment only for NT , and not for MS-DOS .
25 Sun , he says , ‘ sat on its remote procedure call laurels too long and did n't advance its Open Network Computing technology until OSF started talking about DCE . ’
26 She had spent more than she intended on the wetsuit , but could n't resist its bright fuchsia colours .
27 Legato does n't have its own INI file , but a lot of applications do have their own , so I 've created one in C : \WINDOWS ( the usual place ) so that we can enjoy deleting it .
28 But since the private sector will then bring its normal retirement ages into line , this will involve complex adjustment of pension rights for everyone in work .
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