Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] at the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
2 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
3 Twoflower was trying to keep up while at the same time craning round to look at the flying beasts .
4 We wanted to organise the teachers effectively , to improve their lot economically while at the same time making a cultural contribution to the community ’ .
5 The extracts from a dirty movie fade away and the Inspirals clamber into their Scandia van , delighted with the comments of a Finnish woman journalist who had told them , ‘ You make music that is going somewhere while at the same time standing still and one day it will end in a big BOOM ! ’
6 Tiger Watson was wounded ; Donald Roy killing his friend 's attacker , for this was a personal battle of man against man in the shadows , even though at the same time there was the impersonal hammer from machine-guns and 20mm cannons firing from beyond the basin and its locks .
7 The Greeks found this agnostic approach yielded a sense of presence and bliss that transfigured their lives : it gave them the discipline to apprehend a reality infinitely greater than they could conceive , even though at the same time its absence was acutely felt .
8 As the balloon reached the eight hundred foot marker , he began chatting lightheartedly while at the same time watching the flag man on the ground .
9 Smith contends that such expenditure is functional but contradictory : it serves the structural requirements of capitalism at home and abroad while at the same time destabilising the performance of the economic structure which it seeks to preserve in the long term .
10 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
11 He 's more forward than at the same time last season . ’
12 That meant continuing to support British Rail financially while at the same time fighting to make the industry more productive .
13 This is the classic position , and with only the bat to be raised the batsman is in position to move back or forward while at the same time able to focus on the ball .
14 After the fight with the beggars he had left the sack with Allen and Marian because it had seemed to him an ingenious way of saving himself the trouble of carrying it to Simon 's hut and back again while at the same time it was a guarantee that the children would remain until he returned .
15 Company liquidations have increased more sharply recently than at the same stage of the last recession , when defaults significantly lagged the deterioration in companies ' financial position , but corporate indebtedness has been much higher both at the outset of the recession and subsequently .
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