Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because in future we will have a unified Budget , with tax and spending announcements made at the same time , Mr Lamont chose to look further ahead than the 1993–94 financial year .
2 understand why all the agencies involved identify four in those circumstances I think in R A Southern Water district to themselves , because we 've got that information repeated across the county erm and it seemed to me important that erm somebody er accepted responsibility for taking an overall view of the circumstances to er merely because of course we can only concern ourselves with manmade er circumstances rather than er erm but I think you know members would agree that as a strategic planning authority , we appear to be the only auth er the only body which can erm in the cold light of day we view the circumstances look at the implications for strategic planning and local planning and the suggestion of those developments and obviously that would be a concern to us and er I felt and I have to that it is an area of responsibility erm which er within the of this
3 The exercise had its practical value , but he recognized that , in some obscure way , it fulfilled a psychological need , just as in boyhood he would explore a country church by first walking slowly round it before , with a frisson of awe and excitement , pushing open the door and beginning his planned progress of discovery to the central mystery .
4 Er , H I V , the aids virus is a , a debilitating disease , we wo n't pay out initially because as soon as on diagnosis you could basically say they are , er , they 've got a debilitating disease , but we will pay out as soon as the illness actually affects some other part of the body er , and moves in to another disease .
5 We shall be there until about midnight I would say .
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