Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] for the [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I came out of the forces , he was only waiting for the time that I came out , for him to retire .
2 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
3 Novell has no compelling reason ( nor should it have ) to keep on paying for the fuel that burns in the Unix flame .
4 Those flares you fired for the war you ended are still burning for the peace that you won .
5 Even allowing for the probability that Time was no non-stop streamliner , faring ever forward at the same speed every day of creation , some fresh interruption of Nature must have occurred to explain its present serpentine course .
6 With women , even allowing for the fact that slides of material from three sites , urethra , cervix , and rectum may be examined , this early diagnosis is only possible in about 50 per cent of cases .
7 However , even allowing for the fact that the population and satellite data were collected 13 years apart , the differences are greater than we would have liked .
8 It is reasonable to suppose that this fact is significant , even allowing for the fact that Scaevola is disproportionately well represented in the Digest by cases on the law of succession .
9 Even allowing for the fact that not all BL Lac objects produce X-rays , Schwartz and Ku conclude that the statistics rule out the idea that BL Lac objects are simply ordinary quasars seen ‘ beam-on ’ .
10 All I will say here is that Bukharin was far too sanguine in his treatment of such a transition , even allowing for the fact that it was being treated at a purely abstract level .
11 If the price of a money market instrument rises then the yield falls , and this is indeed the case with bankers ' acceptances , which are normally cheaper than straight cash advances , even allowing for the fact that interest is paid upfront .
12 Even allowing for the fact that NT has not yet been tuned for speed or reached production release , Brown says there appears to be additional overhead incurred when executing Windows 3.1 applications under NT .
13 Even allowing for the fact that television programmes are necessarily selective choosing shocking cases to illustrate the point , and also allowing for the evident confusion with the programme caused by pre-1 April material combined with a post-1 April dialogue , some disturbing situations were illustrated .
14 Even allowing for the fact that Orphism , as the most recent artistic novelty , was attracting the attention of a press and public made restless and sensation-hungry by the numerous artistic upheavals which the twentieth century had already witnessed , the fact is that by 1914 the abstract tendencies in European painting were already assuming an importance second only to that of Cubism from which they had largely sprung .
15 In practice this has not been achieved , even allowing for the fact that the Conservative government inherited from Labour plans entailing growth in expenditure of some 2% per annum .
16 Obviously their chance at the draw bag is now four to one instead of one hundred to one , and even allowing for the fact that they will undoubtedly be called lucky so and so 's for drawing well all the time , with odds of four to one it is not so surprising .
17 On the other hand , their situation is structured , and ( ‘ holism' here standing for the idea that the parts of a whole behave as the whole requires ) we are interested in the social constraints on their actions .
18 Then feeling for the window-sill that was part way up , he knocked the owl lamp that his Mum had put there for him to take up to his room .
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