Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A loud banging at the front door stopped both of them in their tracks .
2 He was cut short by a loud knocking at the front door .
3 Merely looking at the final stage of supply can obscure the full range of options open to a particular firm in its choice of serving foreign markets .
4 One of the most important areas of credit management is risk assessment , not only looking at the individual customer companies concerned , but also at the current financial background in which they operate .
5 It should be a condition , for anyone thinking about development to resist trying to infer how a structure develops by only looking at the final result .
6 John Heminges said they were dark , cruel plays , and that Will was only looking at the black side of people .
7 ‘ But in these hard times , cars are only selling at the right price .
8 Here is this man , never previously seen doing his public duty , always seen merely roaring at the Labour Party or being interviewed like any tuppeny-ha'penny minister , now occupying the despatch-box which is the only site that gives credibility to his claim to be a prime-minister-in-waiting .
9 Appearing on the tape proved too much of a millstone for most bands and The Wedding Present were the only ones that carried on developing at a reasonable pace .
10 If Dreadnought went on sinking at the present rate , in ten minutes the hole would n't be above the waterline , but below .
11 No , we 're not looking at a new wonder drug , you know , the type that you swallow with a glass of water .
12 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
13 When I write again in twelve months ’ time I shall be extremely disappointed if , world events permitting , we have not met our targets and are not looking at an improved set of results .
14 Erm you 're just looking at a little bit that 's new and you 're forgetting about the old stuff .
15 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
16 If the economy is not growing at an annual rate of 3 per cent by the middle of 1994 as the Chancellor 's Budget arithmetic assumes , revenues will be less buoyant and the spending on welfare will be greater than forecast .
17 Those not teaching at the present time are welcome to attend on a daily basis at £2 per session .
18 ‘ We are not aiming at a local audience , but are bearing the EEC in mind , and of course all those who come to the Frankfurt Book Fair at the same time . ’
19 Land prices are already rising at the moment er in this region , even though house prices are not rising at a commensurate level .
20 Consistent sailing means not taking too many unnecessary risks , such as not starting at the crowded end of the start line or sailing completely to one side of the beat where just one unfavourable wind shift can ruin you .
21 No two candidates will respond to questions in exactly the same way so you must keep a fair amount of flexibility in your approach — it would be wrong to stop a candidate from following up an interesting and potentially revealing answer simply because it is not coming at the designated point in your schedule .
22 The Financial Times of Feb. 28 commented that the move was likely to add to inflation , already running at an annual rate in excess of 100 per cent .
23 Both male and female goats may be infertile for a number of reasons , ranging from the male having painful feet to the female not ovulating at the right time .
24 Maggie met and talked to others she knew before finally arriving at the Commemorative Hall .
25 By that stage I was already working at the Canadian Embassy , and I let the staff buy some of the pictures from me , but again it was very cheaply .
26 It was clear from the work done then that , even after a full year , major changes in unemployment , self-employment , and employment taken up and ended within the group , were still occurring at a high rate .
27 Still fuming at the insensitive arrogance of the man she turned and left the office .
28 Cardiff looked up then at the Constable , still dabbing at a fresh nosebleed with his now-crimson handkerchief .
29 Durance was still looking at the painted woman stepping from the shadow .
30 Midwinter was still looking at the revolting hand .
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