Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
2 On Aug. 28 , the Interior Minister , Daouda Rabiou , made a statement on national television apparently going along with the men 's action , and the government subsequently seemed powerless to do otherwise .
3 The eyes of the riled flare , literally popping out of the sockets .
4 As the lava cools down further , to a dull red , more and more chilled fragments remain on the surface , and these small particles soon agglomerate together , forming progressively larger plates or rafts which cover the surface of the flow , the hot lava itself only glowing through in the cracks between rafts .
5 The theory seems to be ( 1 ) that some act — noticing a resemblance — must precede uttering the word ‘ white ’ for the person who utters the word genuinely to be describing the object , and not merely coming out with the words , ‘ It 's white ’ as might a parrot , no matter what it was shown ; and ( 2 ) that the resemblance the theory requires one to have noticed , which is supposed to justify one 's calling it white as opposed , say , to blue , is what one is referring to when one calls the object ‘ white ’ .
6 These three members of the Procellariidae family have one thing in common : they are all ‘ night birds ’ , only coming in to the screes and grassy slopes of the cliffs under cover of darkness to change places with their mate on the single egg , deep within a burrow , or later to feed the young .
7 The first Unix Reseller Show & Conference , set for May 4–6 , 1993 in Dallas , is apparently coming out of the blocks stronger than anticipated .
8 there and perhaps coming on to the Residents ' Association point that made in their proof , that our forecasts actually show that on balance , er er there would be an increase in flow in fact on the on that route as it approaches the A sixty one .
9 Nearly two decades later his installation Art Show at the Centre Pompidou foregrounded figures with tape decks for hearts , which gave out phoney art jargon , with hot air literally coming out of the figures ’ vents ( Rickey 1983 ) .
10 However , the imminent arrival of the railway was foreshadowed by an appearance of a spectral train whose large black locomotive was seen rushing along the lonely Highland road with headlights blazing before suddenly veering off into the hills .
11 Soon lobbing along behind the leaders , Llewellyn was always finding plenty of room for Party Politics and by the second Canal Turn , when Romany King moved up to join Hotplate , the race had begun to take it 's final shape .
12 When not banging on about the sins of Vin Garbutt , the shaggy-haired Teesside warbler responsible for Little Innocents and other anti-abortion songs , certain feminist folkies have taken to conducting vigilante patrols through Folk Roots magazine in search of new sources of offence .
13 For I could tell that he was a little rusty , and I wondered if sometimes this affable and agreeable companion was worried because he knew that he was not keeping up with the strides that modern medicine was taking .
14 ‘ The filly was desperate , even falling over walking on to the gallops , ’ Pipe explained , adding that he puts more work into training In-Keeping than three normal horses .
15 As Crawford , Winner and the ten-person film unit prepared to start work in the War Memorial Gallery , not exactly blending in with the surroundings , those on the floor of the Stock Exchange looked up , started screaming and shouting , and threw paper darts .
16 Because it was an old house that they were renovating , and it had got so much rot in it and woodworm , and he said he said he said th there they were walking up one minute and the next minute the piano was just going down through the stairs .
17 We watched her sway away holding on to the rails , her high curls shining , her figure neat , her intense musky scent lingering like a memory in the air after she herself had gone .
18 I notice it 's not coming out of the police authority budget , it 's coming out of publi , er this , this er committee 's budget .
19 There I was welcomed by Molly Braithwaite who demonstrated Medau movement and I was soon joining in with the others present .
20 It floats above us , gleaming in the darkness as if supported on a cloud of talk and booze while the people below swarm and chat and roar Andy on ; the champagne — already dripping down off the edges of the table onto the temporary matting beneath from spillages — is almost overflowing the second-last level of glasses .
21 In the light of this new evidence , it seems that Shandruk 's account of why the Ukrainian Division was permitted to leave Austria is broadly correct , and that the inclusion in the division of considerable numbers from " Eastern Poland " was regarded by local commanders as sufficient reason to allow the Ukrainians through to Italy , bearing in mind the emphasis in all allied instructions on the importance of not handing over to the Russians " persons coming from those territories " .
22 It certainly is n't simply a case of just reading up on the reviews , playing around with a couple of the likely programs and then buying a system or two and expecting peace , harmony and perfect publications to be the end result !
23 But in an interview with police one of the defendants claimed the men were just crouching down by the boards because they were trying to shelter from a strong wind .
24 So I 'm not queuing up at the bakers .
25 And secondly , the defeat of the last major challenge to the system associated with the overdetermined name of ‘ 1968 ’ but finally petering out in the mid-1970s .
26 ‘ But we were just working up to the knees and you 've still got $ 85,750 left on the meter . ’
27 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
28 However , printed opaques are still walking out of the shops this Christmas . ’
29 Erm fift and he 's still going back to the fingers .
30 Minch finished speaking , still facing out towards the benches .
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