Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If whatever happened to Summerchild that year had n't happened — if he had n't been found lying with the garbage in Spring Gardens — if Millie had n't stopped playing in the orchestra — if I 'd gone on seeing her week by week — grown up with her — become easy with her — married her — then Timmy would still have a mother at home .
2 ‘ Rents should be related to the capital value of the property , thereby reflecting its popularity in market terms ’ .
3 As she joined him , rather shyly accepting his glance of approval at her slim body in its white bikini , the wind stirred his hair , blowing it out of its rigidly swept-back style .
4 Guido sat back a little , mercifully obscuring his eyelashes in shadow .
5 Suzie looked from one to the other , obviously enjoying her moment of glory .
6 This time , however , his dozen men engulfed by thousands of Highlanders , Molloy was forced to surrender , on favourable terms , the victorious Jacobites eagerly seizing his stock of food and then using its own gunpowder to demolish the barracks ; the resulting ruins remain to this day .
7 He stood in a familiar , flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips and his chin stuck out , constantly turning his head from left to right and back again , to take in his entire audience .
8 With a strong crosswind I sighted over my mentor 's left shoulder during the approach , only moving my head from side to side in the final stages to get a symmetrical perspective for the flare .
9 These men were not only violating my peace of mind but all other sorts of peace .
10 Soeur Dosithée , perhaps breaking her vow of poverty , kept all the letters that her sister sent her charting the progress of her little niece .
11 Some teas are now available with the caffeine removed and these appeal to people who find ordinary tea too much of a stimulant , perhaps disturbing their sleep at night or generally upsetting their metabolism .
12 Obviously taking her silence for agreement , he gave a little snort of disgust .
13 She came in carrying his bowl of porridge .
14 If its policy seemed more or less radical at different times it was n't necessarily changing its view of land reform , but it was keeping its final goal of socialism in sight so it had to make short term expediencies .
15 Their study , although greatly increasing our understanding of tumorigenesis , has provided little information about normal haemopoietic mechanisms .
16 Merely supplying their populations with food and money does not remove the true nature of the problem — far better that the conditions be changed by giving opportunity to the inhabitants to provide for themselves , because when the money of the charity runs out , the unsolved problems and starvation return .
17 It is as rude as spitting to turn the soles of your feet toward anyone , so stretching your legs in front of you becomes nearly impossible .
18 We have , for example , pioneered the re-injection of drilling wastes , so reducing their release at production sites .
19 Nigel was paid for his work , but he hated not seeing his piece in print .
20 He castigated the illustrator of Time Wasted Away for not bringing his work in line with that of Miss [ sic ] Vanessa Bell and , among other things , for depicting the sun as an eight-pointed starfish in the sky .
21 Astronomers made strenuous efforts to observe Vulcan , generally attributing their lack of success to the fact that a small body so close to the Sun would be incredibly difficult to detect .
22 It is ironic that Scotland , with an over-production of electricity , is already contracting its surplus to industry south of the border .
23 Just using your powers of observation , how would you have described her ?
24 The German industry was already outstripping its rivals in innovation , and the British companies combined their strength to avert global German dominance .
25 It 's a music that boasts some kind of spiritual superiority to the allegedly ubiquitous synthetic rubbish' that is elsewhere smothering our lives like nylon .
26 Administration officials also cast doubt on the environmental statements of other Northern governments , claiming that the French , German and Japanese , among others , were not matching their rhetoric with action .
27 Abraham talked on , not noticing her lack of attention .
28 ‘ We are not basing our views on emotion , but on pure business .
29 The Stoddard players would like to thank their Captain for not upstaging their team on behalf of Lyles .
30 Each applicant had applied for his respective daughter to be admitted to the school in September 1991 , thus expressing their preference in accordance with the appropriate arrangements under the Education Act 1980 .
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