Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [adv] many [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some good news on the A one , the earlier abnormal loads which were heading southbound and causing some quite lengthy delays near to Boroughbridge , they 're now parked up near to Wetherby so they 're not causing too many problems at the moment .
2 If this is accepted , the obvious caveats about the need for having a balanced portfolio and for not having too many eggs in one basket , etc. seem too obvious to require any amplification .
3 ‘ Graham talked about the number of one-day games and about not having too many players of over 35 , ’ he said .
4 I think I 'm probably drawing too many parallels between the serious situation and the pop situation , but certainly no doubt that English pop for the last twenty years has been pre-eminent in Europe , and still is .
5 They simply had a good time together without really asking too many questions about each other .
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