Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the problem can be overcome by designing networks that meet people 's walking needs , thereby encouraging a level of activity that ‘ deters antisocial behaviour and offers the reassurance of help at hand if hassled ’ .
2 He carried on sanding the blank into shape .
3 As part of its ongoing anti-corruption drive the Wingti government suspended four of the country 's 19 provincial governments on Oct. 13 , thereby bringing the total under suspension to six .
4 Floating , on the other hand , insu-lates a country with stable prices from world inflation since its currency would be continually appreciating , thereby offsetting the rise in import prices .
5 Duly completing the acknowledgement of service is recommended .
6 They begin with simple movement exercises such as standing with the hands on the hips and very slowly rotating the head from right to left , then reversing the procedure .
7 This last factor is crucial since if a rock is not saturated ice formation will simply cause the expulsion of water into air-filled cavities , thereby inhibiting a build-up of pressure .
8 Rose Hilaire had sat stiffly upright , feet together , hands in her lap , refusing a cigarette — ‘ I do n't smoke — ’ although eventually accepting a cup of tea , during the drinking of which her hand was observed to shake .
9 It is possible to reconstruct some of the clothing in part through the textile remains in graves , but mostly using the position of dress fasteners such as brooches and buckles ( Cook 1974 ; Bell 1981 ) .
10 Possibly the most trouble-free and profitable course in the first year is to grass-let part of the farm , on your own terms , thereby keeping the farm in work whilst leaving you free to get on with your development plans .
11 Immediately , the foresail went out of control , banging and flapping and whipping back and forth , effectively keeping the crew at bay .
12 Those without work are excluded from building up savings , whether in the form of a house or an adequate pension , and thereby gaining a stake in society .
13 In that case Lord Denning argued that the Court of Appeal should issue guidelines similar to those of the House of Lords in the 1966 Practice Statement , thereby enabling the Court of Appeal to depart from its own previous decision where the decision was wrong ; in other circumstances it would hold itself bound by Young v. Bristol Aeroplane Co .
14 He made a living by journalism , in the 1960s version of Grub Street eventually landing the job of drama critic for Town magazine .
15 In 2 Timothy 2:15 , Paul emphasised the importance of ‘ rightly handling the word of truth ’ .
16 To reduce the magnification soak up some of the water drop by gently touching a piece of paper tissue or blotting paper against it for an instant .
17 As the species which is most obviously shaping the future of planet Earth , humans need to examine the consequences of many current development strategies and urgently find solutions .
18 You are only encouraging the trade in animal exploitation , some of which are endangered and many vulnerable
19 Or is Bailey merely articulating an ideology of Bohemianism for the arts and of undirected radicalism for social and political thought in general ?
20 The situation can be improved by gently easing the edge into position with your hands and steaming the welt .
21 There are some delightful and newly published illustrations of them from manuscripts they made , peering out of initials which they are still painting , or kneeling in corners , or , in the case of Nicolaus Bertschi of Augsburg , apparently accepting a mug of beer from his wife Margaret .
22 The analysis gives a maximum condition so generating an envelope of certainty ( see Figure 5.12 ) .
23 ‘ We were both trapped , you once said , ’ she reminded him helplessly , with some idea of comforting him , or perhaps easing the process of rationalisation and self-forgiveness he was inevitably going to have to endure .
24 The samples were lightly pressed down using a sheet of newspaper .
25 obviously using a bit of sense
26 But because such men were materialists and therefore underestimated the power of spiritual and moral values ( despite the Soviet invention of the doctrine of ‘ dialectical materialism ’ ) , they failed to see that they were only perpetuating the problem of modernity in another form .
27 Apart from merely disliking the taste of meat , like that of anything else , one might also decide that the cruelty involved in some intensive farming , although not endemic to it , is unacceptable even in the short term .
28 If trams no longer had an obvious technological advantage they also suffered from an institutional disadvantage-of having to pay for the upkeep of the roads they used , up to a distance of 46 cm ( 18 inches ) either sides of their tracks literally paving the way for motor buses .
29 It is often asserted that the First World War rescued the Unionist Party from an impossible position and left it poised to become the dominating force ; the war broke up Liberalism and destroyed the Liberal-Labour alliance , so opening the way for Unionism ; Lloyd George carried the party to victory in 1918 , incurred the odium for the post-war slump and was cast aside ungratefully in 1922 .
30 You can do much of the remaining internal work yourself , not only saving a lot of money on labour charges , but a considerable sum in VAT at the current rate of 17.5% .
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