Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] a [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the South , protestant loyalists are accused of subverting the wishes of the majority in the island by not consenting to a united Ireland .
2 Her father was just leaving in a blue Rolls-Royce .
3 But , except for a few dedicated monarchists , Central Europeans are not dreaming of a restored Habsburg dynasty .
4 Implementation of that policy , in Indo-China however , would depend upon France ; and after two years of war and in spite of some growing and ineffable optimism , the French were still looking for a purposeful Vietnam policy and had revealed not so much procrastination and missed opportunities as a sort of political paralysis .
5 ‘ What 's happening ? ’ shouted Barbara , still clinging to a dazed Jimmy .
6 Toshiba Corp is still working on a fault-tolerant Sparc box using Sequoia Systems Inc software but ended talks on buying Sequoia 's Motorola Inc kit OEM in the meantime .
7 And he concluded proceedings by almost screaming at an astonished Mrs Ann Clwyd who had been teasing him ; it was a burst of rage that rocked his high chair .
8 Er we at the County Council think that to delete that Greater York erm dimension would take us back to the realms of uncertainty , past uncertainty , in the Greater York area , we 're therefore proceeding with a Greater York dimension in policy H One at none thousand seven hundred dwellings , which equates to hundred percent migration .
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