Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another mechanical argument against Copernicus concerns loose objects such as stones , philosophers , etc. resting on the surface of the earth .
2 He was obviously moving left or right depending on the fall of the coin .
3 And he said no , buy a badge now with a dog 's head on depending on the breed of dog you 've got , and it says on it I live here .
4 At night , while John 's impatient body sleeps , I listen to the waves loosely slapping at the side of the stilled ship .
5 ‘ State Department officials were unavailable for comment , ’ the New York Times reported , thereby hinting at the source of the leak , but if the story had been aired as a trial balloon , it failed to lift off .
6 These effects may express themselves differentially locally depending on the size of the city , but they are essentially national in character and reduce the influence attributable to local factors ( Newton 1976a:17 ) .
7 Its objectives were to oversee a ceasefire and to bring to an end the civil war , thereby allowing for the formation of an interim government and the holding of free elections .
8 But he was most sparing with the anger on celluloid : would rather fake it than summon it up .
9 Standing anywhere on the ridge one could catch sight of the sun delicately resting on the top of the distant hills which marked the far end of the grazing plains .
10 And Murphy 's Law invariably applies : if you do n't want anybody to knock on your door — because you 're putting the kids to bed/washing your hair/making love/cooking something impossible like a souffl é/late; for just about anything/working to a deadline/just secretly reclining on the sofa with a packet of your favourite chocolate biscuits , watching Coronation Street — somebody always will .
11 The following spring the same duo , neither of whom had climbed since the previous autumn , was optimistically toying with the idea of opening the season with Dream of White Horses on Gogarth .
12 Redmond , now with Oldham , is slowly recovering from the misery of his final few months at the club he joined as a boy .
13 This again differs widely depending on the degree of the handicap , and autistics may be found at the farthest extremes of social and academic capability .
14 Even the pay of domestic servants varied widely depending on the status of the employer and the sex and duties of the employee .
15 The significant measure , of course , is the ratio of runoff to rainfall and this seems to vary widely depending on the amount of the rainfall and the nature of the surface on to which it falls .
16 Present-opening sessions are generally unpredictable affairs , the pictures being shot with mobile camera on a catch-as-catch-can basis with the sound mostly consisting of the rustling of wrapping paper being undone and the excited squeaks of the recipients .
17 BORIS Yeltsin crossed his personal Rubicon last weekend when he declared special presidential rule until a referendum in late April — effectively slicing through the tangle of his constitutional power struggle with parliament .
18 Electronic data interchange , or EDI , is another of those information technology concepts that , after politely lurking in the background for a few decades , is suddenly forcing itself on our attention with unmannerly persistence .
19 The CVR , besides contributing to the fund of knowledge about the flight , has provided the investigators with an insight into the way the flight crew were thinking and interpreting the indications of the progress of the flight by means of the things they said to each other , and sometimes the things they did not say .
20 We go on praying for the release of hostages and prisoners held without a cause ; and we pray for peace , and especially for the peace of Jerusalem .
21 v. Laughton where , it will be remembered , the I.T.F. union , in dispute with Merkur Island , a flag of convenience shipowner , induced tug-boat crews to refuse , in breach of their contracts of employment , to move Merkur Island 's vessel , thereby interfering with the charter of the vessel to Leif Hoegh .
22 Letters regularly occur in certain combinations and positions with , for example , the letter Q always being followed by U , and a number of letters rarely appearing at the end of a word ( e.g. , J V ) .
23 What if a rule change , such as the introduction of a new settlement date , is formally communicated to members , but the traders on the floor do not " register " that the change has taken place and carry on trading on the basis of the old date ?
24 ( 6 ) The person to whom an occasional permission is granted shall ensure that the provisions of this Act or any byelaws or regulations made thereunder relating to the conduct of licensed premises are observed in the premises or place in respect of which the permission was granted as if he were the holder of a public house licence , and if he contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence : Provided that it shall be a defence for any person charged with an offence under this subsection if he proves that he used due diligence to prevent the occurrence of the offence .
25 Erm , the agency has considered a paper on this as is referred to in the final paragraph , what it 's basically suggesting to the Department of the Environment and the Home Office is , is that a formula is based upon the supply factors er , such as the , the number of fire stations and standard crew levels etcetera .
26 In theory it is possible to obtain insurance against warranty liability ( e.g. Directors and officers ) but in practice the insurers are normally so demanding in the kind of confirmations they require and so restrictive as to what they will insure ( eg not taxation ) that this is rarely practicable or worthwhile .
27 The second consequence was to limit the number of executions by the early 1960s to no more than three or four a year , so bringing nearer the prospect of total abolition by the classic , if inglorious , means of English penal reform : diminution , disuse , abandonment .
28 The average price at which shares sell during this period is somewhere in the neighbourhood of $55 ( more or less depending on the shape of the time-price curve ) .
29 As there are many persons of distinction in England who are pleased to honour the art of gardening by making it a considerable part of their amusement and have been greatly assisting in the introducing of large numbers of new plants , shrubs and trees into the English gardens and as some of these noble persons have studied the science of botany and are well acquainted with the characters and true names of the plants … their example will render it necessary for the professors of Gardening at least to know the plants they cultivate by their proper titles …
30 It is tempting to the Commission to recommend the establishment of a church music staff college , perhaps building upon the foundation of the Royal School of Church Music .
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