Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 He was single-mindedly applying his mind to the task and it was likely that he would forget the time .
2 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
3 Mr Wilson is apparently taking his case to the Court of Appeal .
4 Forster settled down , only putting his eye to the slit every half minute , not continually as he had started to do .
5 And he accused Mr Clarke of being ‘ cruel ’ in not revealing his decision to the family before holding a Press conference .
6 Too confused to argue , she contented herself with a nod , greatly relieved when he stood aside , no longer impeding her route to the bathroom .
7 I believe that if feminism has got something to say then it 's certainly not getting its message to the masses of ordinary women .
8 Is she feeding her ? she 's not giving her veg to the dog .
9 He accomplished the most difficult of all sporting tasks : not just taking his team to the top but keeping it there .
10 They were both Londoners so this cheered me up no end , and we were soon making our way to the Mess for supper and then up to the office for me to meet some of the others .
11 The Clinton administration is slowly turning its attention to the $14 billion that the US government will spend this year on basic research , conducting a review of six multi-billion-dollar interagency initiatives and convening a panel of senior administrators to draw up programmes for future budgets that correspond to the president 's domestic policy goals .
12 Blue was still howling his sorrow to the world , and she slipped in to comfort him .
13 On a visit to Paris in 1792 , Losh narrowly escaped from the city during the September massacres , possibly owing his escape to the influence of Jean Paul Marat , who had practised as a veterinary surgeon in Newcastle .
14 Now , I gather you had to cry off taking your team to the Swimming Championships at Sturford last night . ’
15 On March 1 the Popular Liberation Army ( EPL ) , after 23 years of clandestine struggle , became the second major guerrilla group to lay down arms and enter political life as a party , formally changing its name to the Hope , Peace and Liberty party ( with the same Spanish acronym , EPL ) .
16 Sometimes an expedition under orders from the Sibirskii prikaz ( Siberian Department ) in Moscow would be the first to penetrate into a region ; at other times hunters and traders would investigate a new river system on their own , later reporting their success to the local military governor ( voevoda ) , who would then penetrate the region asserting government control over the inhabitants .
17 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
18 But as soon as it is dusk , the soil becomes alive with toads frantically digging their way to the surface .
19 The preservation group is now turning its attention to the Glenburrell Bridge project .
20 Now it was Ferreira 's turn to show his frustration , often slamming his racket to the ground in anger as he could only muster 11 points in a set lasting only 20 minutes .
21 He was now preparing his speech to the Academy , due to meet in eight hours ' time at the behest of the military .
22 He held the leadership of the Conservative Party , to which he was unanimously elected ( proposed by Curzon ) immediately following his accession to the premiership , until 1937 , a longer period than any of his predecessors since Salisbury , and a longer period too than any but one ( Churchill ) of his seven successors has since attained .
23 Modern scholars have found proof that from here they continued to withdraw north-eastwards , groups of them eventually making their way to the vicinity of the Tigris-Euphrates basin , the region which now constitutes the border between Syria and Iraq .
24 In front of the clubhouse , the flags of the 20 or so nations represented among the 260 competitors hung limply in the flat calm as the early starters fidgeted nervously awaiting their call to the first tee .
25 He carried on , eventually finding his way to the street .
26 Benjamin just smiled , raised her white fingers to his lips , kissed them daintily and , like some chivalrous knight , kicked his horse into a canter , almost knocking his would-be-love to the ground .
27 They looked at each other , then returning their gaze to the far distance there was a silence between them before Mick went on again , ‘ As I see it now , real education is what you get from life : not what life gives you , but what you give to it .
28 ‘ I understand you 've had only a boiled egg this morning , ’ she said meaningfully , then returning her attention to the maid , ordered , ‘ Make that tea for two , Margaret .
29 The third , Vulcanian phase , also probably reflects this de-gassing process , with gas escaping from the magma below accumulating in the higher parts of the volcano , and then blasting its way to the surface .
30 He went and stood by the shower and watched Sophie in soft-focus shampooing her hair then turning her face to the showerhead .
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