Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In both instances a worker , acting in his own self-interest , may choose to retain his benefits ( by refusing extra pay or a job ) , thereby perpetuating his dependency on the Welfare State .
2 They were everywhere , slowly inching their way across the desert .
3 Your whole intention seems to be to ruin me , simply in order to go on building your castles in the air .
4 Since they evidently have a rate control " knob " on their " stroboscope " , why do n't they turn it permanently to maximum , thereby keeping their perception of the world at its most acute , all the time , to meet any emergency ?
5 But Pike kept on banging his head against the floor .
6 Jonathan Dimbleby tried interruption , thereby revealing his unfamiliarity with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby .
7 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
8 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
9 They drank coffee and played cards throughout the long haul to London , only interrupting their concentration for the Sheikh 's frequent visits aft to watch over his son .
10 He was single-mindedly applying his mind to the task and it was likely that he would forget the time .
11 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
12 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
13 ‘ Aaah , ’ Lucinda said again , impatiently sinking her knife into the pie crust , watching fascinated as hot brown gravy oozed out .
14 To Sara , more hard-pressed than ever at Lime Street , the intellectual and emotional sympathy binding Coleridge and Dorothy must have been both apparent and distressing , even if Dorothy , in De Quincey 's words , was a woman possessing ‘ no personal charms ’ : on only the second day of the visit Coleridge and Dorothy were occupied together correcting his poems for the new edition while Sara was left to carry the domestic burdens of the teeming cottage .
15 Sir Lawrence Byford , the president of Yorkshire CCC , is personally advocating their inclusion in the coaching .
16 It takes time and effort for her to do this : constantly tapping her nose on the typewriter is exhausting , but then so is making her noises understood .
17 Sixteen thousand people watched an astonishing scene as Johnson was knocked to the canvas in the twenty-sixth round and made no attempt to regain his feet , merely shielding his eyes from the sun .
18 perhaps erm perhaps they 're only parking their caravan on the .
19 He 'd schooled himself to ruthlessness , single-mindedly forcing his way through the jungle , hacking at anything in his path .
20 Mackay died , personally leading his troops into the thickest of the fight at the Battle of Steenkirk in July 1692 .
21 I 'd never known him believe in anything before , so it was an amazing novelty to find him literally staking his life on the principle of absolute patriarchal authority .
22 The case , in which a fellow patient has denied manslaughter , is one of a number which prompted ministers to commission a study by top psychiatrist Dr William Boyd Boy hurt : Michael Brown , 11 , of East Street , Crookhall , Consett , County Durham , was taken to Shotley Bridge Hospital with a fractured shoulder and broken right leg after apparently riding his scooter into the path of a Vauxhall Astra car in nearby Second Street .
23 1991 , 27 , 701 ) , is really only displaying his ignorance of the commonly accepted textbooks of inorganic chemistry .
24 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
25 The lead Hunter knelt to the side of his face and was gently running its claws through the android 's hair .
26 ( More traditional pedagogy went for appreciation rather than analysis , urging the reader to a direct experience of the poem , perhaps inhaling its beauty like the scent of a flower ; but the underlying process was similar . )
27 Lothar remained in central Francia , perhaps tightening his grip on the region east of the Charbonnière .
28 This means concentrating on the tow and only taking your eyes off the towplane for a brief moment .
29 Mr Wilson is apparently taking his case to the Court of Appeal .
30 The local residents were of course only exercising their rights under the 1870 Education Act , which allowed the establishment of School Boards .
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